• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Azimer the Mad

  1. A

    [Savage Species] Octopus Spiked Chains Master & Griffin Hulking Hurler?

    So...it is as bad as I feared. I guess his insane damage potential and to hit bonuses (23 Dex, Weapon Finesse) will make up for the low HP in a 5th level group. You know, I never thought when I'd be making the PCs how dangerous he'd be. Any advice on how to handle this?
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    [Savage Species] Octopus Spiked Chains Master & Griffin Hulking Hurler?

    Our group tradition is that, no matter what games are running currently, the month of your birthday you get to ask one group member to run one game for you. If you want Az to finish one-subplot in the old M&M game, or you've always wanted to run one session of Rifts, this is your chance. One of...
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    New Tansformers or Old Transformers

    I was especially disappointed, because I had read two issues of the Dreamwave comic first. The TF:A comic is grim, gritty, well-plotted, and incredibly non-Pokemon. The Minicons all talked, and have an amazing amount of personality. My girlfriend commented that she empathized more with them...
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    Games that are fun, but need a one-in-a-million GM

    When I run Changeling, I like to think it's kinda like if the characters from Record of Lodoss War lived in San Fransisco, had Peter Parker's problems on top of fantastic quests, and the whole thing is written by Neil Gaiman. Yes. Changeling requires effort to pull off well. But when it is...
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    Mountian Giants in MM2

    You know, I've played D&d since I was 8. Seen a lot of giants, ettins, ogres, etc. Seen them mostly used as fodder. I can;t really remember any cool adventure involving them. Except for one. Except for Him. In one of our circles first 3E campaigns, we actually climbed up a beanstalk to find...
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    Half-Orcs and Prestige Classes

    The Rage Mage from Dragon would work pretty well. I think it was in the Steampunk issue.
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    To use "buff spells" or not to use "buff spells"? That is the question.

    As a Half-Orc Cleric of Kord, I'm almost exclusively Buff spells. My second level is all Bull's Strength and Endurance. Bear's Heart and Divine Favor help too. Basically, I view my position as an intermediary between Kord and mortal heroes. I give them Kord's aid, and they try to pay the...
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    ELH in-book sample module made my group cry

    Maybe I'm alone here, but every moderately combat-involved character in my game obtains a Surestrike weapon (from S&F, and possibly other places). It only counts as a +1 for enchantment, and counts as /+whatever for negating DR. My PCs have had Surestrike weapons since 6th level. I seriously...
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    Advice needed on DM-player conflict (long)

    I would agree with Nightfall on buying Legions of Hell and Armies of the Abyss. I would also have each and every member of the party purchase them. Of course, this is mainly because Green Ronin needs as much money as possible. :-) Seriously, though... "My only concern is that it isn't so...
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    So I'm thinking of running Tomb of Horrors after RttTOEE

    3E, Weapons, & the Demilich I'd just thought I'd add my view of the "Hurting Acererak" question. The original module mentioned that +5 weapons were necessary. I think Paladins got it a little easier, but I don't remember the exact phrasing. Anyway, when I converted it to 3rd Edition, I...
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    So I'm thinking of running Tomb of Horrors after RttTOEE

    There's an old story floating around the 'Net that a DM once bpasted to his players, "If you survive six rooms, you buy me a pizza. Otherwise, I buy enough pizza to slate you all." He ate the pizza that night. It's a brutal adventure. I ran it as a illusionary simulation during a wizard's...
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    Worst RPG Ever?

    In Defense of (Some)Champions Champions is the fastest super-hero system on the market. It has easy to understand rules that take up only 55 pages, including full martial arts and mecha creation rules. PCs can be created in 20 minutes or so. And the combat system is fast-paced, with most fights...