Recent content by Balnor

  1. B

    Pathfinder 1E Fonts used in the Pathfinder RPG?

    Can't say which fonts are used where, but if you're using Adobe Reader, just choose File->Properties in the menu bar and select the Fonts tab. You'll get a list of the fonts. Of course, extracting the font itself is quite another thing. Not to mention copyright concerns, which do apply to fonts.
  2. B

    More Bribery! Google Wave Invites!

    SJ, I wouldn't take it too personally. Your original post was really easy to misinterpret in the way John did. Re-read it and see what I mean. And you've got to admit, someone actually saying, basically, "If I like the reward enough, I'll help", wouldn't be the kind of person one would want...
  3. B

    More Bribery! Google Wave Invites!

    I think he's under the impression that Google Wave is actually used to develop the site, and that if it didn't work on his PC, he wouldn't be able to help. So to clarify, the Wave thing is not used directly for developing the site. All you really need for that is a web browser that can run...
  4. B

    New exciting stuff at folks!

    Creator of the new SRD PDFs here. Just wanted to pipe in that yes, the monster PDF does have the Bonus Bestiary monsters as well. Not entirely happy with some of the layout for a few tables in the Core Reference (mostly in the magic items chapter), but all in all, it's in a pretty usable...