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Recent content by Barrier Peaks

  1. B

    Fairfax, VA - Looking for Players

    My wife and I have moved to Fairfax, VA, recently, and we're looking for a couple of compatible players to round out our group. The tentative schedule is along the lines of every other Saturday, 6pm to midnight. As no timing has been established, this is negotiable. Our gaming style is serious...
  2. B

    Thieve's World ticket up for grabs - FREE!

    No big deal, Rich. The game(s) were fine, and the folks who did show up were enthusiastic. Thanks for your efforts. Maybe next year, you'll be available to play (if I'm running, that is). Gary
  3. B

    Midnight Question

    Probably a quibble on my part, but the setting doesn't lack armor or magic. The ruling powers in Midnight regulate the possession of weapons, armor, and magic (of any kind) to the extent that anyone caught using them will likely be put to death. Now, the PCs in your game might possess armor...
  4. B

    Thieve's World ticket up for grabs - FREE!

    Excellent. I guess I'll be seeing him at Thursday's game, then. Thanks for doing your utmost to give the ticket a home. Like I said earlier, feel free to drop by the GR booth and say hello.
  5. B

    Your own personal gaming terms...

    PC Glow: The inevitable vibe a party gets from a newly-introduced PC, which facilitates his joining them on their latest quest with a minimum of fuss. This one came up a long time back, after a PC had died and his player had rolled up a new character. Things were getting out of hand, time-wise...
  6. B

    Thieve's World ticket up for grabs - FREE!

    Well, if you can't find a new owner for the ticket, drop by the GR booth on Thursday and I'll give you $3 for it. I'm sure I'll be able to find a home for it. Gary
  7. B

    Thieve's World ticket up for grabs - FREE!

    I'm sorry to hear you won't be making the game, but I'm glad you're trying to make sure there are no empty chairs at my table on Friday. Best of luck in your other events, and enjoy the convention. At the very least, drop by the GR booth and say hello at some point. Bests, Gary
  8. B

    What are the best Cyberpunk supplements?

    I can't believe I forgot Deep Space. I'm also a big fan of that one. The sourcebook I always wanted to see (write?) was one detailing the African continent, up to and including brushfire/tribal wars and the African migration into orbit...
  9. B

    Comic Con 2006

    You may want to post something over at the RPG-SanDiego.org Forums, and see if any of the boys or girls thereabout might be interested in putting something together. I won't be going this year, unfortunately. Too much to do, not enough money to spend.
  10. B

    What are the best Cyberpunk supplements?

    The first in that line was Night's Edge, written by Justin Schmid and published by Ianus Games (which eventually became Dream Pod 9, IIRC). A series of adventures followed (the Necrology titles), as well as a slew of other alternate universe CP books (including Grimm's Cybertales, as mentioned...
  11. B

    What are the best Cyberpunk supplements?

    That's me: the quintessential lurker. Well, I like them. But then again, the rules for netrunning have always been a bone of contention with a lot of players. Some people hate them, some people like them. I always enjoyed them (with a few tweaks, naturally), even if they weren't realistic and...
  12. B

    What are the best Cyberpunk supplements?

    Let's not forget the Chrome Books, which provide a lot of great (and flavorful) equipment. Protect & Serve is a great book, especially for law-enforcement themed games. Even though they've had mixed reviews, I do like the three Corp Books. They're not required, by any means, but they provide a...
  13. B

    Thieves' World d20

    In that case, it relies on the player characters to use their brains a little bit more than their sword arms. Yes, combat will occasionally happen, and characters will probably die. Such is life in Sanctuary. My best advice for player groups is to pick their fights wisely. My only advice to you...
  14. B

    FLGS in San Diego, CA?

    I may as well raise my hand as a San Diego local. Vista, actually, but I head down to Game Empire and Game Towne every so often to see what's on the shelves. Of the two, I don't have a preference. Game Empire seems larger, with more room to breathe. There is also a large (but relatively...
  15. B

    RPG Authors: How Do You Do It?

    It isn't easy... I used to run my own campaigns every other week, working on them in the days prior to game night. I have a full-time day job, too. Once freelance assignments started rolling in, I had to make time to write. I'd do it at work during my lunch hour, for a couple of hours each...