Recent content by ben7530

  1. B

    "Find a game" broken

    Still an issue Morrus-- I just found this thread, and the issue persists. I think it is in some way tied to the zip code: I tried and encountered the error on both chrome and IE (which is "clean", as I only use it for testing stuff like this.) Then I tried my city/state (Sarasota, FL) w/o the...
  2. B

    Hybridization confusion!

    Awesome answer: exactly what I was looking for. Thanks aurance!
  3. B

    Hybridization confusion!

    Hello all! Long-time lurker, new poster. Using the online CB, I designed an NPC: This "Ardent-lock" NPC has, at 2nd level five PPs, which seems quite broken! I thought a Lv.2 Psion with the "noble Adept" background would have 3 PP total? Can someone please explain exactly what (and how) the...
  4. B

    D&D 4E 4e Star Wars

    Hello! Would anyone be interested in collaborating with me on creating a D&D 4e Star Wars total conversion? I am for using the C*loader program, as the D&DI CB *STILL* Doesn't allow house rules, and we'll NEED house rules!! I want to base it on the upcoming SW: The Old Republic...