• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by BlackFalconKY

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    WotC Embraces Hatred?

    In a very unfortunate and poorly thought out post today, Bart Carroll of Wizards of the Coast heavily endorsed the use of the word "retard" in his April and Beyond preview. In the article, he discusses how Chris Sims "absolutely hates the silly, stupid, and outright ridiculous monsters" from...
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    WotC Drops DRM, Switches to Watermarked PDFs

    Book of Exalted Deeds Now Book of Exalted Deeds is available.
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    WotC Drops DRM, Switches to Watermarked PDFs

    Monster Manual III Just when I was starting to think they were through releasing digital products for a while, Monster Manual III became available today. Again, old stuff. Had it been Monster Manual IV I'd likely have bought it. Give us some of the new stuff!
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    WotC Drops DRM, Switches to Watermarked PDFs

    Expanded Psionics Handbook Well, I hope to see the trend of a product a day continue. Now the Expanded Psionics Handbook is available. Still holding out for something newer...
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    WotC Drops DRM, Switches to Watermarked PDFs

    Dungeon Masters Guide II I saw that Dungeon Masters Guide II was released as a watermarked PDF yesterday. Getting closer to something I want. It figures WotC is now releasing things as PDF. Sadly, I won't have as much money to buy them... I'll be spending too much of my money on Paizo...
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    WotC Drops DRM, Switches to Watermarked PDFs

    The Speaker In Dreams Released I noticed this evening that The Speaker in Dreams adventure was released as a watermarked PDF today. That's two products in as many days; very exciting news! Keep'em coming, you are bound to get to something I'm waiting to buy eventually!
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    WotC Drops DRM, Switches to Watermarked PDFs

    Draconomicon Released I saw that the Draconomicon was released as a watermarked PDF yesterday. That's a step in the right direction. Still, something a little more "new" might sell better? I'm looking for things like the Fiendish Codex books, Player's Handbook II, and Tome of Battle. Things...
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    WotC Drops DRM, Switches to Watermarked PDFs

    I may be behind the times, but I just read in my DriveThruRPG March Newsletter than WotC has switched from DRM products to Watermarked PDFs. I looked in their store, and sure enough, the DRM protection is gone. I have to say this is exciting news. I would buy everything WotC puts out, as...
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    Help Identifying Game

    Hmmm. It does look similar and work much the same way, but I don't recall having ever visited that website. I wonder if it is some kind of variant.
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    Help Identifying Game

    Hello, About a year ago, I downloaded a zombie survival mini-game. I don't remember if it was something I bought from an online store or if it was a free download. I really think it was from a WotC (or former WotC) employee's website. Now, all I can find is the map, and it is not labeled...
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    Cool New Minis - Heroscape Game

    You know, it might be informative if people named off game systems or whatnot that contain miniatures useful for gaming. I know there are a lot of games out there with useful minis, and I'm the kind of person who isn't above buying a game just to get the figures! I'm sure there are a lot out...
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    Cool New Minis - Heroscape Game

    The website (www.heroscape.com) retails the game itself (with 30 minis) at $39.99 and the expansions at $12.99. At Wal-Mart, the game was $39.99, but they were selling the expansion packs for $9.92. There are four expansion packs currently available: a Roman legion, a Grut legion (look like...
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    Cool New Minis - Heroscape Game

    Hey folks, While browsing the toy section of Wal-Mart last night looking for anything I could make work on game night, I found an awesome new game with its own line of miniatures. It's a Hasbro product called Heroscape. The game itself looks neat, but I was particularly drawn to the very...
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    Dragon Magazine & Dungeon Magazine on CD

    I'd love to see Dragon on CD. I'd love to see new issues of Dragon released as PDFs as an option in the future. I have the entire bottom of a closet filled with boxes of old Dragon and Dungeon magazines. I can't/don't use them because it is such a hassle to get to them and I'm running out of...
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    I got 100$ what books should I buy?

    If I had $100 to spend with the collection of books posted, I'd consider maximizing the bang for the buck and going heavy with PDFs. Specifically, Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary and Advanced Player's Manual are absolutely awesome and packed with material at a good price. E.N. Publishing has...