• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by BlueSalamander

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  2. BlueSalamander

    Kickstarter Kickstarter Campaign for OGL 3.5 cRPG Knights of the Chalice 2 Now Live!!

    Kickstarter Campaign for Knights of the Chalice 2 Now Live! Knights of the Chalice 2 is a party-based epic cRPG with turn-based combat for Windows and Mac OS. The game is inspired by Temple of Elemental Evil, Dark Sun Shattered Lands, Baldur's Gate 2, Neverwinter Nights 2 and Planescape...
  3. BlueSalamander

    Kickstarter Kickstarter Campaign for OGL 3.5 cRPG Knights of the Chalice 2 Now Live!!

    The Kickstarter campaign for Knights of the Chalice 2 is now live!! Knights of the Chalice 2: Revolutionise Old-School CRPGs! I hope that you will join the campaign! If you like the project, please share this message with your friends and social networks! Thank you!! :-)
  4. BlueSalamander

    Kickstarter Kickstarter Campaign for OGL 3.5 cRPG Knights of the Chalice 2 Now Live!!

    Thank you, I didn't know that there was a promotional forum.
  5. BlueSalamander

    Kickstarter Kickstarter Campaign for OGL 3.5 cRPG Knights of the Chalice 2 Now Live!!

    Kickstarter Campaign for Knights of the Chalice 2 Now Live! Knights of the Chalice 2 is a party-based epic cRPG with turn-based combat for Windows and Mac OS. The game is inspired by Temple of Elemental Evil, Dark Sun Shattered Lands, Baldur's Gate 2, Neverwinter Nights 2 and Planescape...
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  7. BlueSalamander

    The Temple of Elemental Evil

    I have completed TOEE several times too. A fighter, a druid, a cleric plus a wizard is a very strong combination. Here is an article I have written about TOEE: http://www.heroicfantasygames.com/RPGShrine.htm#TempleofElementalEvil Here is another article I have written about Keep on the...