Recent content by Bregh

  1. B

    WotC yanks the rug out

    Don't be disingenuous. There's considerable difference between a few days, or even weeks, and three months. And this does little to inspire confidence in the professionalism of a company that purports to be interested in earning my buying dollar. Especially since I'm already not buying any of...
  2. B

    WotC yanks the rug out

    I had a couple PHBs marked for birthday gifts in the next two months. So, yeah, it really bothers me.
  3. B

    Describe your campaign in 10 words or less

    Mines of Kannum Hall. Full of treasure. And monsters. Explore!
  4. B

    Alignment Languages?

    Alignment language was part and parcel of OD&D from the very first ruleset. From D&D vol. I, Men & Magic, p. 12 (c. 1974) ...Law, Chaos, and Neutrality also have common languages spoken by each respectively. One can attempt to communicate through the common tongue, language particular to a...
  5. B

    What game system have you tried that made you go WOW!

    Mayfair's DC Heroes' RPG, in any edition. Still my favourite RPG. The first two boxed sets had incredible content (at unbelievable value, really) and the system let you go anywhere and do just about anything, from Gotham alleys to the 30th Century, all with the same Characters, if you were so...
  6. B

    Tell me your tale about the Tomb of Horrors

    Felon, That was one of the best posts I've ever read wrt Tomb of Horrors (and D&D in general). You sum up my views pretty much perfectly.
  7. B

    When does D&D stop becoming D&D?

    1977, when the first book aimed at standardising forms and systems for all campaigns appears. AD&D and its linear descendants (including the one about to be born) share the name, and a lot of the tropes. I've enjoyed (and still do) playing them. The Basic/Expert line and Mentzer's and the...
  8. B

    Our (as in ENWorld's) tribute to Gary

    Ya done good, Michael.
  9. B

    Have you pre-ordered?

    Same here.
  10. B

    Bob Bledsaw, man behind Judges Guild and the wilderlands

    Terrible, terrible to hear. Come what may and will, and I pray that in some way all might be well, thank you, Bob, for sharing so many amazing ideas and imaginings over the years.
  11. B

    TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

    Merry Christmas, Gary, and all the best to you and yours for the coming year. And thanks again, for all you've done for the hobby.
  12. B

    Oots 513

    I love the nod in the teleport sound f/x.
  13. B

    Was the 1E assassin ever playtested?

    Heh. Pray the 3d ed. characters don't blow their Surprise roll, though. Especially if Weapon Specialisation is being used. :p
  14. B

    Looking for "old-school" tattoo ideas!

    TSR's old lizardman logo is pretty oldschool--the acaeum has a murky-looking pic of it (along with the rest of TSR's old logos) but the detail off any of the mid-70s era booklets (I'm looking at the one on Greyhawk as I type this) isn't too bad, IMO. (A full-size image also appears inside the...
  15. B

    Where to get stuff?

    Give Noble Knight Games ( a look. They have a huge OOP game selection, their product condition descriptions are very, very good, and their service absolutely can't be beat, IMO.