Recent content by Brother Richard

  1. Brother Richard

    Forgotten Realms "Canon Lawyers"

    What i'm Trying To Say its fine if you decide to use only certain things, but you would encounter problems in any shared setting. The problem with FR and not most other settings is the overload of canon from novels, but none of the examples given have really addressed problems with issues...
  2. Brother Richard

    Forgotten Realms "Canon Lawyers"

    My Point In FR, many npcs are extremely high level. An important thing to understand is that almost all rulers have power proportional to the politcal power of their nation/city/whatever. If this is not the case, they have someone close to them who is extremely power (like Vanderghast in...
  3. Brother Richard

    Forgotten Realms "Canon Lawyers"

    Okay, I need to Coment on the Silverymoon Example Alright so you are saying that there is too much canon and bloat because of this instance because you did not realize that Alustriel was a Chosen. Well, I mean, not knowing the Chosen is like the equivalent of not knowing the name of the...
  4. Brother Richard

    Forgotten Realms "Canon Lawyers"

    My Thoughts You know, i would probably consider myself fairly knowledgeable in FR lore. Until the books approached 4e (as in like a little before lat year), i had read nearly every FR book, including those that were out of print by the time I could really read well. However, when I play in FR...
  5. Brother Richard

    How Important is Magic to Dungeons and Dragons? - Third Edition vs Fourth Edition

    Scrolls and Chargeed Items it is true that the sue of these items can be abused. However, i feel that the brokeness of item creation cannot be counted as the brokeness of casters as a whole. Also, the main class being overshadowed by the utility scrolls is the rogue, which can UMD anyway...
  6. Brother Richard

    How Important is Magic to Dungeons and Dragons? - Third Edition vs Fourth Edition

    Calculating Buffs With Cascading Bonuses I do not understand what the big deal is for spells that give bonuses to stats or other values with cascading effects. i write that i have say +4 strength. If i am attacking, that uses strength so i add my extra ++2 bonus. Now I am climbing, and I am...
  7. Brother Richard

    D&D 4E Homebrew setting I'll use for 4e

    Very cool idea! I really think this world is interesting. I don't know how much of a real effect the mist will have to make the setting unique over just having vast oceans, but it is definitely cooler and more interesting. I feel like the best campaign ideas are ones that make everything more...
  8. Brother Richard

    The Sha'ir (In progress, initial powers to 2nd)

    More Thoughts I like most of those encounter powers. I love the gen, but I have a few questions about it: 1. Are all the powers going to use the gen because it is suggested in the description that some won't. 2. Should there bee any benefit for certain elements of gen using their particular...
  9. Brother Richard

    why are orbs good again?

    The Orb One of the reason the orb is so good, even if you ignore the fact that at higher levels its abilities are more powerful, is that it is one of the stats that increases a defense not keyed to intelligence. Therefore, a wizard is going to want some wisdom/charisma anyway. Due to this...
  10. Brother Richard

    The Sha'ir (In progress, initial powers to 2nd)

    My Thoughts So Far After quickly skimming some of what you wrote, I have a few thoughts: The gen delivering attacks is really cool and makes this class seem more flavorful and different (this is especially important because some of its abilities are very similar to warlord and cleric...
  11. Brother Richard

    Multi Class Paragon Paths

    My Other Post I thought I would repost my idea here. You may want to look at it. Also, it seems as though your getting much more traffic than i did. General - My Take on What 4e Multiclassing Should Have Been I think that the 4e feats that allow somebody to dabble into other's powers is...
  12. Brother Richard

    Multi Class Paragon Paths

    My Thoughts I think this is a great idea! :) (I just posted this exact topic about 10 hours ago with the exact same idea) ;) However, a few comments. I don't think there is any need to limit the class abilities. Instead of still only allowing them to work a certain amount make it the same...
  13. Brother Richard

    D&D 4E My Take on What 4e Multiclassing Should Have Been

    Umm.......... Check out Stormwarden. Its probably better than the multiclass option I presented. I think Stormwarden is better but if you think it isn't can you please explain. It would be easy to make this multiclass slightly worse. :)
  14. Brother Richard

    D&D 4E My Take on What 4e Multiclassing Should Have Been

    I think that the 4e feats that allow somebody to dabble into other's powers is a great idea. However, I do not think it allows for true multiclassing. There is a way to mutliclass instead of entering a paragon class, but i feel that is suboptimal and it compromises the streamlining that 4e is...
  15. Brother Richard

    The Tome of Time (A second book of magic)

    My thoughts I am very angry. :( You create all of these cool slices and in all of your tome of time only the chronomancer can use them. I think the other classes or at least one of them can half a worse but still existent slice progression. Thats just what I think. Right now, it feels...