• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by brownaj010

  1. brownaj010

    WOIN Has anyone worked with WOIN/N.O.W. in the WWI era?

    That's awesome! And convenient for me haha. Thank you for sharing!
  2. brownaj010

    WOIN Has anyone worked with WOIN/N.O.W. in the WWI era?

    I am very interested in this! I actually gave one of the characters piloting skills and was in the process of working out a plane for them to potentially acquire during the adventure. Thank you for this! I will definitely be stealing it. Did you already have this made, or did you make it for...
  3. brownaj010

    WOIN USF Officer Pregens

    I'll give it a go. Vlad Kazinski A nimble Garga intelligence officer, who sees beauty in everything. Vlad grew up in the slums of his homeworld, constantly threatened by flooding and crime. He took to petty crime to survive, but one day he robbed a USF officer that promptly caught him. In a...
  4. brownaj010

    WOIN Has anyone worked with WOIN/N.O.W. in the WWI era?

    Good points! I might have less work to do then I initially feared.
  5. brownaj010

    WOIN Has anyone worked with WOIN/N.O.W. in the WWI era?

    I forgot about the vehicle conversions, so thank you for the reminder! As for firearms I was thinking similarly, I'll just have to do some research into appropriate weapon traits. Thanks for swift response!
  6. brownaj010

    WOIN Has anyone worked with WOIN/N.O.W. in the WWI era?

    Hi all, I'm pretty new to this system. I took part in a one shot at PAX unplugged and had a blast, so I recently bought N.O.W. I actually just ran a one shot about a week ago that was a lot of fun (it was a sequel to Tiger King, if anyone is interested). Now I'm interested in starting a...