Recent content by Cameron Guill

  1. C

    TSR Did TSR Sue Regularly?

    I bought some Spellfire and Dragon Dice. Heck, until fairly recently, my black Dragon Dice bag was still in use for my normal D&D dice bag. Spellfire was pretty terrible. It was all IP and no decent mechanics. It felt like a kids game. They also did BloodWars CCG, which I invested way too...
  2. C

    TSR Did TSR Sue Regularly?

    Am I the only one who enjoy the insane complexity of DJ when it came out? It is rough by today's standards, but back then it had some cool new ideas (at least to a broke teenager). I ran games and people enjoyed them. Back on topic, I remember reading that the DJ lawsuits was more a spite...
  3. C

    Mind Flayers, Flumphs, and Owlbears Feature In This D&D Colouring Book

    I like the idea. Not a fan of the art style, even by DnD standards.
  4. C

    Gail Gygax Sued By Movie Producer

    This writing is rambling at best. She seemed like a nice lady when I met her years ago. Sometimes, everyone is out to get you, though not usually.
  5. C

    Warhammer 40,000 Wrath & Glory Cover and Pre-Order!

    So, $100 gets you a rulebook ($50-60 retail most likely), some decks of reference cards ($20 each probably) and some custom dice ($20 most likely). I don't see the "huge savings" there, unless you count the special edition covers. While those looks cool, I'm not sure they are enticing enough...
  6. C

    A Tale Of Two Bestiaries: Looking At The Fiend Folio And Creature Catalog In POD

    I still use the FF, I just have to convert the monsters to 5e. So many players memorize the MMs, like they always have, so I have to get creative. Snagging creatures that haven't been in print since before most of players were born is a good place to start.
  7. C

    Taking A Look At The "New" POD Versions of Star Frontiers And The D&D Rules Cyclopedia

    I bought both as pdf and POD. My print copy of Rules Cyclopedia has sections that are so blurry that they are almost unusable. They actually give me a headache if I try and read more than a paragraph or two at a time. The problem doesn't seem to be an issue in the pdf, so I am working with...
  8. C

    Expanded Masks of Nyarlathotep Coming from Chaosium

    Sounds like a lot of fun.