• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Catapilla

  1. C

    Kit's Animals & Vermin + Templates = Sadistic Fun thread

    cool lol. Its a great creature gothenem whether set, seth or seti lol i only said that because i too have read books where it has been called seth but hey....................who cares? Like I said its a great monster :D cant wait for the next
  2. C

    Kit's Animals & Vermin + Templates = Sadistic Fun thread

    i think its verrrrrry cool too gothenem however, if you wanna get your gods right, set is spelled seth lol apart from that its really cool. Well done :D p.s you gotta love resurrected threads
  3. C

    Beholder-kin, Eyeless Orb

    i could have nightmares about them....good concept there
  4. C

    How do you pronounce...

    I always pronounced it bah-tay-zu and bah-tor lol it looks stupid when you write it out like that..
  5. C

    Have you played..........the name game?

    Sorry for TRIPLE posting (cardinal sin) but I now pronunce the competition closed. Thanks Kafkonia and me lol for entering. I think kafkonia should win so I pronounce, Kafkonia's undercurrent watery people the winning entry.
  6. C

    How do you pronounce...

    personally when I see it I am inclined to say the Tan-ar-ee not tan-a-ree or tan-a-ri lol
  7. C

    Have you played..........the name game?

    Not long to go now.......lol So I guess you think my entries statistically flawless. Couldnt of done better eh? lol I know Im not that good so why not comment and say how it can be improved? Or enter lol. :D
  8. C

    Another Creature Catalog query for Dragon?

    Bear in mind that I went on most of these by what I thought sounded the cooler names lol Scarecrow Cave Fisher Vulchling Webbird Blazing Bones Foulwing Spider, Brain Flareater Firestar Sea Hermit
  9. C

    Have you played..........the name game?

    So remember people. The final absolute, ultimate, deadline is next thursday so get posting! You know you want to.........by the way people.....I got over 100 views :D thanks
  10. C

    Have you played..........the name game?

    Spurred on by kafkonia's impressive entry ive now finished my entry...oh and one thing I forgot to put in the rules. The name can be something like the undercurrent -insert word here-. Mine is. Undercurrent Flamingo Magical beast Hit Dice: 1d10+2 (7 hp) Initiative: +1 Speed: 20 ft. (2...
  11. C

    Have you played..........the name game?

    Great! I love it! I reckon ill use that in a campaign lol
  12. C

    Have you played..........the name game?

    Soooo....Am I gonna be entering solo lol. I know at least 44 of you have seen this.... Come on guys. Just a quick creature.......please :D
  13. C

    Are You Having Trouble With Pcs!!!! Mincemeat Them.....today!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks mortis and d and d chick. Im so pleased now that it can have a spot of 12!!! It sure is good at spotting lol Thanks again :D oh yeah if you see anything else wrong please say so
  14. C

    Are You Having Trouble With Pcs!!!! Mincemeat Them.....today!!!!!!!!!

    Wow this thread has had over 100 viewings!!! cool :D