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Recent content by chintznibbles

  1. C

    Reflavoring Races

    I'm fond of re-doing race fluff myself. I usually write up big, unnecessarily elaborate campaign setting documents full of the stuff that I'm fairly sure none of my players ever really want to read all that much of. ;) For my 4e game, which has entered a sort of perpetual "might start sometime...
  2. C

    Cheaty dice?

    Some people are just so committed to the idea of "being awesome" that they can't bear the thought of their character missing, failing to deal significant damage, or falling on his face during what might otherwise be an easy skill check. I admit to having this complex; missing and failing skill...
  3. C

    Should I buy Eberron 4e even though I play 3e?

    I'm a fan of both of the 4e Eberron books, and will be running a game in that setting sometime in the next few months. That said, like everyone else has been saying, if you've got a bunch of the Eberron books and don't plan on ever running (or playing in) a 4e game, there's probably better uses...
  4. C

    What Alignment system do you use now?

    My problem with alignments is that they've always been way too abstract and cliquish. They actively stifle characterization in my view. "Why'd you beat that guy up?" A. "cuz im evil lolz" or B. "because he was pretty clearly evil, and I'm good!" And yet, the act performed is the same. People...
  5. C

    Real Sea Monsters

    At first, I thought this thread was going to be about this: Irreference » Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters (Bonus live action trailer here: YouTube - Quirk Classics #2: Book Trailer ) That said, those are some pretty awesomely creepy fish-like things. I wish my piracy-themed campaign...
  6. C

    Mearls talks about his inspiration for the 4e classes

    Hmm, this makes me want to go back and try the New Sun books again. I started reading the first and got a little squicked out by the, uh, degloving (or de-booting or whatever the foot equivalent is) scenes and kind of drifted enough to leave it buried in the everpresent stack on my nightstand...
  7. C

    Alternatives to the letter at the end of the adventure?

    I like to set things up with enough branching paths that by the time the PCs have actually finished an adventure, they've really finished a chapter and (usually) graduated to the next tier of influence. My old rough tier system is pretty close to 4e's endemic tiers, so it works out. When the...
  8. C

    Campaign climax and group hiatus

    I was honestly surprised when the last campaign I ran ended at a natural break point. The PCs had just managed to clear out the castle and defeat the BBEG du jour, been rewarded with a lavish party and their own ship, and had just graduated from mid-level local rabble to double-digit level...
  9. C

    D&D 4E Running player commentary on PCat's 4E Campaign - Heroic tier (finished)

    Very neat thread. I almost can't believe I read all of it, but I also didn't want it to end... you guys should play more often! ;) Going back a page or so, I like the idea of giving out the Expertise type feats to players, but I generally make them earn it. I'm fond of giving people special...