Recent content by ChrisCarlson

  1. ChrisCarlson

    Just had an awful AL con weekend

    Hello, Zene. My name, as my handle would strongly imply, is Chris Carlson. I am one of Strategicon's board members and Operations Coordinator for the entire show. First, I'd like to take this opportunity to publicly apologize for the terrible time you had at our event. I would also appreciate...
  2. ChrisCarlson

    D&D 5E Warlock One of the More Complicated 5E classes?

    Quite the opposite. I'm saying that the person who made the character, if they chose options interesting to them, is going to have a character that is "good" to them. It's the perspectives from outside that seem to be saying, "That's a bad character by my perspective." Show me this theoretical...
  3. ChrisCarlson

    D&D 5E Warlock One of the More Complicated 5E classes?

    So, basically, it's not a "problem" per se, just something to mindful of. So a player might get hung up on something wonky by having not even the least idea what they are doing or want to do? As for things like, spell and invocation choices: If those are the things the player is interested in...
  4. ChrisCarlson

    D&D 5E Warlock One of the More Complicated 5E classes?

    I keep hearing that. Have not seen it. And find it hard to believe. If its stuff you are interested in, how can the character be "bad"? Of course, first we must ask the question, "Define bad?" Again, table problem. Not system problem. If a particular character is functional at one table and not...
  5. ChrisCarlson

    D&D 5E Berserker - How does it really compare to Totem Warrior?

    Uh... yes. Was there any doubt? I should know better than to assume people actually read the class feature being discussed.
  6. ChrisCarlson

    D&D 5E Berserker - How does it really compare to Totem Warrior?

    Not being susceptible to disadvantage is different from gaining advantage to negate potential disadvantage. So when Eagle Sight allows you to ignore disadvantage for dim light, any potential source of advantage would remain. Even in dim light.
  7. ChrisCarlson

    D&D 5E Warlock One of the More Complicated 5E classes?

    Your opinion is noted. I do not agree with your opinion. There's is also no need to start yet another round of "You just don't understand that 5e sucks, even though its working fine all over the world at hundreds of thousands of tables." I have not. Because that is an unfathomably illogical...
  8. ChrisCarlson

    Latest D&D Survey Says "More Feats, Please!"; Plus New Survey About DMs Guild, Monster Hunter, Inqui

    All 5e has done is move x to the other side of the equal sign.
  9. ChrisCarlson

    D&D 5E Need advice: Making Religions, Not Just "Here's The Gods. Pick One"

    Sounds something like what I've done. Cliffs Notes: In my homebrew setting, elves have a strong faith and tie to nature divinity (as do gnomes, centaurs, dryads, and similar such creatures). In this Faemyr pantheon, there are four major deities, one for each of the four seasons. They...
  10. ChrisCarlson

    D&D 5E Warlock One of the More Complicated 5E classes?

    That's a table problem, not a system problem, IMO. If you take things that interest you, and the DM ignores your desires to interface with those interesting choices, I do not consider that 5e's fault. YMMV. Huh? I love laughs! If it wasn't funny, that's okay. But no need to apologize. Why did...
  11. ChrisCarlson

    D&D 5E Berserker - How does it really compare to Totem Warrior?

    Excellent. By all means, definitely look me up while you are there. I always love meeting online personas and putting faces to names. We can grab a drink (assuming you are of legal drinking age, that is) and talk about all things D&D and ENWorld. Awesome! To which builds are you referring...
  12. ChrisCarlson

    Latest D&D Survey Says "More Feats, Please!"; Plus New Survey About DMs Guild, Monster Hunter, Inqui

    Thanks for clarifying. I just wasn't sure if maybe using the term differently than I'm accustomed. All good. And, yeah, I totally get how 4e is right up your alley. It scratches that same itch when I play it. I'm a huge proponent that people should play whatever system/edition works best for...
  13. ChrisCarlson

    D&D 5E Need advice: Making Religions, Not Just "Here's The Gods. Pick One"

    Just spitballin' here... What if you devised a homebrew system that treated each available faith similarly to backgrounds? In that, they provide one or more "ribbon features". These would help guide/describe the characters, because of how/why they are drawn to (and/or identify with) a...
  14. ChrisCarlson

    D&D 5E Berserker - How does it really compare to Totem Warrior?

    All of this. It's like taking the same idea of requiring to compare two halberd-wielding PAM/GWM barbarians, then deciding the "one alteration methodology" is to make one of them dex-based.