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Recent content by Corvidae

  1. C

    Clay_More's Necromantic Goodies

    nice stuff Clay-More
  2. C

    I KNEW D&D was becoming more like WOW!!1!

    Page 108 – The Nine Alignments [Substitution] Names like “Lawful Good” and “Chaotic Neutral” are so generic and boring. Strike all alignment names and replace accordingly: Lawful Good: Superman Neutral Good: Picard Chaotic Good: Indiana Lawful Neutral: Adama Neutral: Unaligned (you’re still...
  3. C

    Monastery Mayhem

    Just a thought but it could take care of two of your problems. One, the monastary is under attack because the lich's phylactory is hidden there. The lich doesn't really care because it is well hidden and the monk's have no idea that it is there (for example, it is in the hilt of a holy sword...
  4. C

    Karathan Legion

    Perhaps "Centurion" would convey the idea better without being confusing. Still has the conotation of legions of soldiers, but without the confusing language. Other than that looks good, Corvidae
  5. C

    Alternate Melee Rules

    It is good to see you are still coming up with new and inventive rules Clay_more. Corvidae
  6. C

    Dire Boars loose in Alabama

    It, was a .50 cal pistol, and they had two guides, you don't use a .50 cal as a back up. My guess is that they were intentionally hunting pigs, and the reason a rifle was not used is that it is close quarters and .50 cal rifles are heavy. Just my guess
  7. C

    Dire Boars loose in Alabama

    Different mindsets I guess, around here we teach kids that they are part of nature and that they need to respect nature. Now, it may mean that humans have to take the role of predator. I do not support hunting just to kill, but they are using nature, they are eating what they killed, I do...
  8. C

    Dire Boars loose in Alabama

    Why is it sick and disgusting? Our ancestors all hunted and you can be they got excited when they killed something that was big or in other ways unusual. It seems the kid is excited because he knows it is unusual, it isn't like he said "I am going to go out and kill as many animals as...
  9. C

    differnt races and war/combat

    Since Kae'yoss gave such a great view, I thought I might share my own ideas, then you can draw from both. How do elves learn to fight. Elven childhood (all 100 years of it) is filled with learning. Young elves try their hand at a variety of arts, crafts, and endeavors. Every elf will have a...
  10. C

    Spiders in Drow of the Underdark

    Ok, you are absolutely correct. Perhaps there is a larger problem of fantasy artist and artisans not using real world references. I will look into this further
  11. C

    Spiders in Drow of the Underdark

    Actually, when Tolkien describes Sam and Shelob fighting, he says that Sam is "out of reach or her sting and her claws" pg 337 The Two Towers I know I am a dork, but that is probably why the movies gave Shelob a stinger.
  12. C

    Naruto jutsu as martial adept disciplines!?

    As somenone said, Nifft made that thread, if he says it was inspired by naruto, I would trust him.
  13. C

    Why I don't support my LGS

    I do not think you would because I do not know you. I do however know some people who would refer to others in that manner. Also, I may simply be out of the loop, but how does "fatbeard" refer to behavior? I am saying, you seem to have presumed some things about this person (i.e. he was a...
  14. C

    Why I don't support my LGS

    I understand that he was less than tactful. However, I do not think that jerkface is a term that will likely help anything. For that matter, I do not think that fatbeard will help either. If you call the LGS and ask to speak to the manager or owner, I would avoid terms like that. I would...
  15. C

    Why I don't support my LGS

    The fact that terms like "fatbeard" and "jerkface" are being used make me wonder. There is even the assumption that this guy just wanted to get out of there to "level his night elf or whatever" I mean, if that is what the average gamer is going to call someone at the LGS for trying to do his...