• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by darkdmon

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    Check Out CURSE OF STRAHD'S Table of Contents!

    I am sad to not see the Half-Vistani or the Caliban (Still hoping for a player's companion), but i must say as a fan of ravenloft i cant wait to get this book in my hands and introduce my players to ravenloft has they have only been playing D&D for about a year :D
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    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    looking good!!!!! :)
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    Would You Get A D&D Tattoo?

    hell yeah i would get that tattoo, if i lived anywhere else (here in mexico you can't get a job anywhere if you have a tattoo )
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    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    Quick bug i found, when you add an additional feat like observation or light armored you can't ad the +1 on the stat as the feat describes, instead it just gives you a +0 on the additional slot in the stats. Just for reference i found this bug while creating a lvl 3 variant human wizard. just...
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    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    Hey forgedanvil, just wanted to say that your excel sheet is THE BEST character creation tool i have seen in a long time, i and a loot of the guys here are love it. We know that whit Out of the Abyss and Sword Coast being released so soon the you will have a lot of work to ad whatever classes...
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    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    is there a way in the custom tab, to use an already existing race as a template to make a custom one, for example use the half-orc as a base to ad the custom race ogrillon (half ogre, half orc)
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    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    i created this account for 2 things first your character generator is AWESOME the most useful tool i have found for 5e character generation. and second a quick suggestion why don´t you ad the Minotaur to your character generator (if somebody already suggested it ignore this) i ad the link to...