Recent content by Darklance

  1. D

    What's Good in Books?

    I've read Vance..and while he has his moments...they're far to far apart. I get the impression that a lot of his fame comes from him being something a pioneer in his field.A lot of D&D spells are based on his stuff. Maybe I'll check out the Earthsea series. I'll let you know what I think of the...
  2. D

    Burned Man?

    Hey guys. Does Burned Man still post his amazing Art finds on this board? A quick scan uncovered nothing. Thanks.
  3. D

    What's Good in Books?

    I've been away from Enworld for a long time and I'm kind of out of touch with what new fantasy/Sci-Fi books are popular. Some of the ones that I have liked over the past few years have been: A Song of Ice And Fire series Only Forward The Straw Men Spares One Of Us The Videssos Cycle. The...
  4. D

    Geek Dating site.

    A year or two ago I saw a link to a Geek dating service. They gave the persons IQ and interests. After listening to my depressed friend who is always saying how there are no interesting girls around, I thought I'd give him the site if it was still around. Anyone know it? Thanks.
  5. D

    The Lost Legion!

    Yes but then they were enslaved so they didn't really have much choice in the matter.
  6. D

    The Lost Legion!

    Idea. There was a historical fiction series by Harry Turtledove some time ago. The first in the series was called "Misplaced Legion" I believe. Anyway, Turtledove is a Byzantine historian who firmly believes that the Roman legions were not replaced by their Calvary heavy counterparts because...
  7. D

    (monday) history in your game 05-26-2003

    Thanks for the links.
  8. D

    [OT, Humor] The world should be made aware of this conversation.

    This was no D&D game. This was just a normal conversation!:eek:
  9. D

    [OT, Humor] The world should be made aware of this conversation.

    My friend posed a question to me out of nowhere and this was the ensuing conversation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start of Anime Jinsureiku buffer: Mon May 05 12:23:23 2003 Anime Jinsureiku: If, sometime in your life, the currency of...
  10. D

    (monday) history in your game 05-05-2003 This one especially is interesting. I never liked the whole stirrup idea.
  11. D

    Greece! Tell me about Greece!

    I set last years summer campaign in Greece. I have a bunch of files on my computer but about half of my notes are hand written ...much of it was player aids...some of it was from someone else that I modified...I'll post what I can find. This is for the classical age BTW but some of it works for...
  12. D

    [OT PDF] Descent Laser Printer..Cheap

    How much do toner cartridges cost compared to ink cartridge? Is it significantly more?
  13. D

    HELP! Japanese Setting - I need pictures!

    Re: HELP! Japanese Setting - customs and traditions Oh have I ever got the link for you! This is a website by a English teacher who went to Japan to teach for a few years. It's really informative from a shocked westerner perspective and actually pretty funny...
  14. D

    Song of Ice and Fire (GRR Martin) -- how many books? -- SPOILERS!

    This i This is probably the only series where I wouldn't mind if he went on for years to come if he kept it at his current quality. I can't say I've ever been bored while reading it.