• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Dextolen

  1. Dextolen

    Are gold coins universal?

    Only in rare cases - such as visiting a land where precious metals are not valued, do we even bat an eye about currency. Like others have said, we don't have the time to mess with it or the desire.
  2. Dextolen

    If you could create a brand new d20 game...

    Garth Nix's Old Kingdom Trilogy (Sabriel/Lirael/Abhorsen)
  3. Dextolen

    Quitting a group & starting anew..ground rules?

    Wow, how to make a fun game extremely un-fun. Voting players out? Go Home and stop wasting people's time? No smoke/food breaks? If the attitude in these rules is true, I wouldn't touch your gaming group with a 10 foot pole. This makes me sooo glad I game with friends.
  4. Dextolen

    I never thought I could be convinced to pay 120$ on something without first seeing it

    The preorder/prepayment plan shows that Monte understands it's a hit to the wallet. Getting the adventure free is a nice touch. One point of worry though, how's that binding going to hold up? That's one thick book!
  5. Dextolen

    I never thought I could be convinced to pay 120$ on something without first seeing it

    Monte's fame finally gone to his head? :) That price is insanely high.
  6. Dextolen

    What drives your Gamma World campaign?

    In our games (80's - high school) it was all about getting a cool base of operations. I've never cared about the castle/follower aspect of higher level AD&D and other games but for some reason it was the end all be all of our GW games.
  7. Dextolen

    Swashbuckling, pirate campaign -- please help

    I love SA, but then again I love it for the gaming world (of 7th Sea fame). I could give up D&D permenantly for that world if my players were in agreement. I don't know if it would be useful for scavenging for a D&D High Seas type campaign.
  8. Dextolen

    Do prestige classes curb creativity?

    For the most part, going the PrC route is a roleplaying choice. I think that most are less powerful than the generic kin that they most closly resemble. The trade off is a focus or flare for one or two situational enhancements. If you are playing in an established world, I think they can be...
  9. Dextolen

    I killed my first PC tonight

    Assuming an encounter level is appropriate for the characters, if the party is uncoordinated enough to let someone bleed to death, then they deserve it. There are sooo many options available to parties to help in this situation. Rogues can take ranks in Use Magical Device, people can carry...
  10. Dextolen

    Vote: The Best 2nd ed AD&D Adventures!

    OMGosh. We never ran a single 2nd ed adventure! We must have been running Dungeon mag or homemade stuff. Wierd.
  11. Dextolen

    What 1st ed AD&D Adventures are the Best? List them here!

    Here's my favs, w/ the U1 being tops for entertainment perposes. A1 Slave Pits of the Undercity A2 Secret of the Slavers Stockade A3 Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords A4 In the Dungeons of the Slave Lords G1-2-3 Against the Giants S2 White Plume Mountain S3 Expedition to the Barrier...
  12. Dextolen

    Changing firearms to martial weapons

    One way to speed up the loading of black powder weapons is to carry a bandolier of 'apostles', several (12 traditionally) pre measured loads of powder in little wooden vials or leather bags, attached to the bandolier by cords. Rip them open and pour the measured powder in, saving 1 or 2 rounds...
  13. Dextolen

    Fair warning??

    I think participating in a high level adventure is 'fair warning' enough!
  14. Dextolen

    The Screen

    It can get in the way sometimes, but if you are working with a lot of maps, etc it can be helpful. I gave up hiding dice rolls long ago
  15. Dextolen

    Help me introduce the game to my wife

    I have used a 1st Edition module "The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh" again and again as a D&D newbie icebreaker. For some reason, everyone absolutely loves it, including creatively minded women who are not rpg'ers. I think it's the scooby doo nature of the first part, the mansion. I've never...