• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by DMShoe

  1. D

    [UPDATED] A Savage D&D 5E Campaign Setting From the Makers of PRINCES OF THE APOCALYPSE

    What will happen is that after the kickstarter is over, we send out a survey - in that survey we ask if you've pledged extra for add-ons, and which add-ons specifically. So if you added $25, we can know if it was for the Fantasy Grounds package or the GM Screen pack. We will also collect...
  2. D

    [UPDATED] A Savage D&D 5E Campaign Setting From the Makers of PRINCES OF THE APOCALYPSE

    Your FLGS has sophistication and taste. Well, at least as far as stocking our product goes :P We're chugging along on the 5e kickstarter. We expect slow and steady growth for the next couple weeks, with hopefully some spikes of interest every now and then as the word continues to get out. We'll...
  3. D

    [UPDATED] A Savage D&D 5E Campaign Setting From the Makers of PRINCES OF THE APOCALYPSE

    And it's funded! 30+ days left now to hit some stretch goals! Thanks to everyone here that's backed us so far!
  4. D

    [UPDATED] A Savage D&D 5E Campaign Setting From the Makers of PRINCES OF THE APOCALYPSE

    Yeah - international shipping is a beating. It can cost over $50 to ship a 4-pound book to some countries. If you are overseas, finding some friends to jump in on the group buy will drive the cost per book down by a lot, even with the increased shipping cost.
  5. D

    [UPDATED] A Savage D&D 5E Campaign Setting From the Makers of PRINCES OF THE APOCALYPSE

    Of course, Dave just went off to hunt sasquatches for the weekend -- but as has been noted, the Kickstarter is live, and on it's way! We'd of course appreciate any sort of support you might provide for us. We like to think we make quality products, but we're still a pretty small publisher, as...
  6. D

    Kickstarter PRIMEVAL THULE Kickstarter entering its last week!

    Funded! Thanks in part to many ENWorld backers! We blasted past our goal and our first stretch goal in the closing days. We're extending funding for a little bit longer through a "slacker backer" pledge drive on our website, in case you missed the Kickstarter but would still like to ensure you...
  7. D

    Kickstarter PRIMEVAL THULE Kickstarter entering its last week!

    Primeval Thule is a brand new campaign setting inspired by the pulp fantasy of authors like H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, and Clark Ashton Smith. It's a fair dose of Conan-esque, sword & sorcery style mixed up with a healthy helping of the Cthulhu mythos! Primeval Thule may be the first...
  8. D

    scoop: 4e gamma world

    exactly the questions I want to answer, and I expect to be answered before the product hits the shelves. As soon as the robot overlords let us do so. Did I say overlords? I meant "protectors"...
  9. D

    scoop: 4e gamma world

    Me too. Dunno how much Rich is spilling at D&D XP this weekend, but we've got a pretty exciting and fun system put together here. And I'm sure we'll be talking more about the system and our design directions as we get closer to release. One thing's for sure - gamma world adds a degree of...
  10. D

    Non-Weapon Weapons?

    I recall a minotaur PC chasing down opposing gladiators armed with... A Cockatrice!
  11. D

    Help I introduced a too powerful NPC

    Who's to say that this no-longer-adventuring wizard managed to bring along his spell book, or prepared any but the most utilitarian spells? I mean, if I were an ex-adventuring wizard, would I really want to prep fireball or cone of cold? (well *I* would, but this guy might not:cool:) Especially...
  12. D

    DMing with a White Board

    For a while, I used a dry-erase surface that consisted of an easel, a 1"-gridded easel paper pad, and a cut sheet of clear plastic/cellophane (rigid stuff, not the saran-wrap). I'd write permanent stuff on the paper beneath -- at one point I'd draw the maps on the paper, and use dry-erase to...
  13. D

    My First 4e TPK!

    *sniff* Those pod demons are all grown up now...
  14. D

    WWDDGD 2009 in the UK--list of sites

    Lets see if anyone can beat my commute to the game store! Looks like 4,800 miles, +/-50. Looking forward to it!
  15. D

    Monk Preview

    working on this.