Recent content by Doc_Klueless

  1. Doc_Klueless

    ICv2 Reports Disappointing Year For Hobby Games Channel: TTRPGs Down, D&D Declines 30%

    Knowing and Caring are separated by an Ocean of Indifference.
  2. Doc_Klueless

    ICv2 Reports Disappointing Year For Hobby Games Channel: TTRPGs Down, D&D Declines 30%

    Oh, please. WTF. 90% of the marketplace doesn't know or care about what WOTC does or hasn't done. They don't know nothing except that D&D is synonymous with RPGs and RPGs are fun and, if you want to get a game together easily and quickly, D&D is the way to go. It's only people like us who...
  3. Doc_Klueless

    D&D General No Humans? (Well, the players... but that's it.)

    Pretty much this. I am very seldom interested in playing a non-human. Very seldom. Like almost never. I vastly prefer playing a human. Don't know why. Just do.
  4. Doc_Klueless

    D&D (2024) Here's The New 2024 Player's Handbook Wizard Art

    I like it. More importantly, my 28 year old daughter said (excitedly): "That's a wizard I could play!" Which, I would think, is the demographic that D&D should be shooting for. Not old, crusty bastards like me.
  5. Doc_Klueless

    D&D (2024) Deborah Ann Woll and Matt Mercer consulted on the 2024 DMG.

    I've never watched Deborah Ann Woll. Is she fun to watch run a game?
  6. Doc_Klueless

    Savage Worlds vs DnD 5e

    Yes, Savage Pathfinder has much more niche protection, but it's still not huge. But there is more there.
  7. Doc_Klueless

    Savage Worlds vs DnD 5e

    Absolutely! And they're very welcome! It's good to get a view from both sides. People like me who absolutely adore Savage Worlds have a tendency to gloss over the negative things. But I guess that's the same with any form of entertainment. We maximize the good and minimize the bad.
  8. Doc_Klueless

    Savage Worlds vs DnD 5e

    Oh, gosh. I really should have mentioned this! Thanks for bring it up. I agree with DBM in that it's edges that really differentiate characters. (Think sorta kinda Feats but not really. But close). Depending what is picked characters with similar skills and attributes can play very, very...
  9. Doc_Klueless

    Savage Worlds vs DnD 5e

    Remember: This is all my opinion and will differ between groups. Savage Worlds works about the same for long campaigns in that the characters pick up new powers, abilities, etc. growing in strength and versatility as things go along. The difference in SW and 5e is that 5e tends to have bigger...
  10. Doc_Klueless

    Savage Worlds vs DnD 5e

    This is a take that I find to be completely valid. Compared to D&D5e, it can be! That's for sure. But, for us, it's not that much more time consuming and we find the juice to be worth the squeeze. And since, in Savage Worlds, there tend to be fewer so-called "filler" combats and thus, for us...
  11. Doc_Klueless

    Why DON'T you want to GM?

    I've been the primary GM for my groups since about 1987. I'm tired of it. I burned out. It rapidly became a JOB to put together things for the players. To cater to their wants and wishes over mine. I'm frequently amazed by the number of players who will bitch about their GM and their game but...
  12. Doc_Klueless

    Modiphius Announces Star Trek Adventures 2nd Edition

    You're right. The Toys part was a bit snippy. I'll modify that so it's not so childish. Thanks for bring that to my attention. I gave you an actual, compelling argument: They said 2nd Ed would be backwards compatible with 1st Ed. 1st Ed uses effects dice. I don't see how they can remove them in...
  13. Doc_Klueless

    Modiphius Announces Star Trek Adventures 2nd Edition

    For me, it isn't a problem. It's a feature. I like the effects dice and what they do. However, I also like the games that just use d20s like Dune. I like that they have modified the 2d20 system between the different genres to reflect that genre. That's actually a very healthy response. You...
  14. Doc_Klueless

    D&D 5E We Would Hate A BG3 Campaign

    This. Even with my so-called unpalatable restrictions, I keep having a full table (though more of a VTT now than physical) and very, very few player's quit until the campaign is done. I'm starting to think I might be running a good game after all.
  15. Doc_Klueless

    D&D 5E We Would Hate A BG3 Campaign

    Wow. I didn't suddenly frame anything as anything. I just put forth a scenario and ran with it. I said that I run a premade campaign setting. That campaign setting has certain restrictions. Those restrictions were agreed to and then a player showed up at the table to state he wanted something...