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Recent content by dogboy

  1. D

    World War II Resources for d20 Fun...

    What about these D20 WWII products I have some D20 WWII products that are very good. There is Godlike, a Superpower slanted game that has it's own rules and D20 in the same book. There's Weird Wars D20 that puts a horror spin on WWII with mutant orcs, skeletal soldiers, Waffen SS Werewolves...
  2. D

    Throat Slit?

    Interesting Thread This is a great discussion that really gives me some ideas for my game. One might be to allow the PCs to buy a Bic or Gillette Mach II. Oh, and Lady Bic for the ladies or transvestites in the party. Just have to figure out gp cost for one of those babies now.
  3. D

    Ask The Emperor? (Kingdoms of Kalamar)

    The KoK Equipment Handbook might answer some of your questions. It has a lot of useful info in there, not only for KoK. A great book!
  4. D

    making Prestige classes into Core classes

    Converting I think it is very easy to convert. Just look at the required levels needed to obtain the prestige class and model your first levels after these. If there are required feats, then use those as the abilities one gets when gaining levels. You will probably have about 5 to 7 levels...
  5. D

    I'm moving to Salt Lake City -- any suggestions?

    Underwear Make sure you get lots of underwear before you go or you'll be stuck with that weird type they sell in Utah. But, the two wives thing sounds cool, just as long as they are someone elses wives.
  6. D

    Why is Eberron being pushed so hard?

    Eberron just doesn't do it for me. Not because it's new and I can't get my old-timer's head around it, but because it sucks. What makes a setting great is one that has lots of detail, where it is obvious that the people involved gave everything a lot of thought. I found that with Forgotten...
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    Just got Races of Stone

    More Gods? I just hope the new Gods aren't goofballs called Snuffy Fartpants, God of Gnomish Windbreakers or Dwarf Stonedwarf, God of Stone Dwarves. And I wonder if Gruumsh just sees all of these new "gods" as more grist for his butt-kicking mill? Something tells me that everytime new gnomish...
  8. D

    New Ideas for Specialist Wizards

    Tweak it! I think the way to go about this is to tailor a magician's spell list to reflect a different bent on studies. I have never liked the idea of a generic mage class that is able to learn anything he wants to, although I realize you have to keep the class balanced and not get...
  9. D

    Complete Adventurer is Rogues/Bards book!

    No offense taken Najo, but I'm not wrong on this one. I am not suggesting that Wizards put out loss leaders. What I am suggesting is that they keep the consumer in mind when putting out products. Sorry, but I do not buy an argument coming from the industry that says that TSR wasn't charging...
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    Complete Adventurer is Rogues/Bards book!

    God, the cost! My question, MrFilthyIke, is two-fold. First, do you work for Wizards?Secondly, if you do, then why do the books that are 400+ pages cost $39.99? I'm sure that they don't cost that much to produce and I know that there isn't some government book tax similar to the tax levied on...
  11. D

    Deconstructing class abilities for purchase with XP

    Pros and Cons Came real close to buying your book Sigil and will plunk down for it later today. But, what Mr. Mucchiello said brought something home to me. If you use a points-based system, you lose the flavour of the game itself. I have BESM and other game systems like them and they are fun...
  12. D

    D&D 3E/3.5 BoVD 3.5e: Hellbound!

    Great work! Keep it coming Nifft, those PrCs are the shiznit!
  13. D

    Who's a Hotty?

    Faith Eliza Dushku is the one for me! Claudia Black is also very tasty! I was hoping that the Faith spin-off was going to happen so I could have a weekly drool-fest, but at least there is Tru Calling. But honestly, a Faith spin-off would kick vampire butt!
  14. D

    Converting PrClasses into Base Classes

    Barsoom setting Interesting campaign setting! While I am focused on the fantasy genre, it is always refreshing to see just how adaptable D20 can be and there is a lot of old school sci-fi just waiting to be converted. I see where you are going on the conversion of the assassin into a base...
  15. D

    Converting PrClasses into Base Classes

    Has anyone out there attempted to do this? I would like to convert some because I believe that many Prestige Classes should have been Base Classes to begin with, but someone probably got lazy and didn't want to detail all 20 levels. Any info would be appreciated.