Recent content by dostami

  1. D

    Games That Changed How We Play

    Well, for me, a game not listed in the original post is Rift. I actually just discovered it not very long ago and love the style of play along with the wonderful story plots that can be created. It has changed the way I think about plots and sub-plots greatly and has enhanced my story creation.
  2. D

    Is RPGing a *literary* endeavour?

    I absolutely agree with this! As a writer and a long time game master or Dungeon Master as it was once called, I can tell you it makes all difference in the world in the gamer's experience and causes them to remember the game more so. My team of players have been with me for over thirty years...
  3. D

    My Curse of Strahd campaign is nearing its end... I made something to transition to higher levels.

    Well as someone who has played in the nine planes of hell and has faced Asmodeus I would say go for it. The game is NOT for strict rule following but for creative and inventive play and gaming. So go for it and have fun!
  4. D

    Are you satisfied enough with the Artificer to publish it?

    Well since I love the artificer I would always say yes! Personally, I think its the best class there is!
  5. D


    so they added a pistol to the! Who would have ever guessed! lol
  6. D

    Bet on Sunday’s ‘surprise’ D&D announcement

    I really don't know. I don't follow the current game playing that so many of you do. I stopped keeping up with things after I developed my own world and made corrections that I thought were much needed back when Second Addition came out. So I don't play the D&D worlds anymore.
  7. D

    D&D General Welcome Thread

    Hi all, I am a long time ad&d player and DM, came here due to your character sheets, so I thought I would join. I play with friends online all the time and love the game.