Recent content by Duan'duliir

  1. Duan'duliir

    D&D 5E New Cover for Eberron: Rising from the Last War

    I believe Crawford and Tito said it was the Demon Wastes.
  2. Duan'duliir

    D&D 5E New Cover for Eberron: Rising from the Last War

    I would assume so. Lots of the older 5e adventures have them (idk about more recent stuff since D&D Beyond doesn't add them in), usually marking storylines (not that any adventures were storylines except Tyranny of Dragons)
  3. Duan'duliir

    D&D 5E Greg Tito Gives First Look at Eberron: Rising from the Last War

    The warforged have different poses (with the swords at different angles), so I doubt it. I guess they could be the same warforged though.
  4. Duan'duliir

    D&D 5E Greg Tito Gives First Look at Eberron: Rising from the Last War

    Hey that warforged's sword looks like the one the warforged from the placeholder cover has. I've never been too focussed on eberron's weapons, but I don't recall seeing that tip-less sword design before...
  5. Duan'duliir

    D&D 5E Here Are The Races In The New Eberron Book

    Not likely, They confirmed somewhere (D&D News iirc) that there's be 12 dragonmarks, and there's no reason they'd drop an old one for a new one unless they were advancing the timeline by some drastic amount (which seems unlikely given the slack they got for advancing it even 1 year in 4e, which...
  6. Duan'duliir

    D&D 5E Here Are The Races In The New Eberron Book

    Negative. Half-orcs get the Mark of Finding, though.
  7. Duan'duliir

    D&D 5E Here Are The Races In The New Eberron Book

    Mark of Finding belongs to Half-orcs so it's unlikely.
  8. Duan'duliir

    D&D 5E Here Are The Races In The New Eberron Book

    From what JC said, I'd say the orc would count as new since it'll be different to the one in Volo's. That would put us a dragonmark down.
  9. Duan'duliir

    D&D 5E Here Are The Races In The New Eberron Book

    I wonder how the gobbo, hobgobbo, bugbear, and orc interact with the 16 race/subrace options mentioned in the product overview for the book, since if they count, that means we're getting at most 8 dragonmarks, which seems odd, unless the 16 doesn't count the dragonmarks which seems unlikely...
  10. Duan'duliir

    D&D 5E Eberron: Rising from the Last War Coming For D&D In November

    Wow that alt cover is incredible. Guess I'm gonna have to start hunting for an flgs in Queensland...
  11. Duan'duliir

    D&D 5E Eberron: Rising from the Last War Coming For D&D In November

    Echoing a lot of people, that cover's a real disappointment, even with the cute little creature on it. Someone in a discord server I'm on said "The cover looks like a poster that the warforged barber would have up in his hair salon." and once they said that I couldn't unsee it.
  12. Duan'duliir

    Is this Pact of the Chain House-rule broken?

    Indeed preparation is indeed intended to occur after a long rest.
  13. Duan'duliir

    Is this Pact of the Chain House-rule broken?

    The warlock would have to prepare a number of spells each day (much like a cleric or paladin) equal to the number they would normally know. So I don't think that's an issue? Or at least not as much of one as you appear to believe.
  14. Duan'duliir

    D&D5e // Gamma World at GaryCon

    Very different to Hero Points then (hero points allow you to add 1d6 to a d20 roll or turn a failed death save into a successful one). Sounds like the crowbar is a bludgeoning rapier almost, while the pistol matches the DMG's automatic pistol. Did you have classes?
  15. Duan'duliir

    D&D5e // Gamma World at GaryCon

    Sounds like it was pretty fun. Were the action points you had the hero points from the DMG or did they function differently? I'm also curious about the stats of your weapons if you recall them, and any other major departures from 5e. I'll mention that on twitter, he indicated that the tech...