Recent content by dvvega

  1. dvvega

    D&D General Are you a DM?

    I pretty much qualify as a "forever" DM. I have had stint at playing a Pathfinder Adventure Path (Strange Aeons) which is now finished, however I was still a DM during half of that for another group. The minute I joined my first group (all newbies at school) I was thrust into the DM role...
  2. dvvega

    D&D General Are you a DM?

    ** Double Post **
  3. dvvega

    RPG For Power Rangers Coming

    For someone who has one child obsessed with the Power Rangers, I know I definitely will NOT be buying an RPG based on that material. I prefer him to run around fighting imaginary enemies and coming up with dialog rather than to have him sit down around a table and do the same without exercise. D
  4. dvvega

    Your RPG $$$s

    My spend on RPG stuff is nominally about $20 per month on average - some months nothing, some months a lot. Since I am a Savage Worlds person it is 100% PDFs and I never turn down a great Bundle of Holding collection when it comes up. My main aim here is interesting settings to mine, specific...
  5. dvvega

    WotC Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance Video Game Announcement Trailer

    Unfortunately the trailer needs better modelling and rigging for the characters. Apart from that it does evoke the mood it most likely will try to portray - you have to kill everything with really general missions to go on. The previous two Dark Alliance Games fit that bill as does D&D Heroes...
  6. dvvega

    Show us your favourite character sheet

    @DMMike - the folding was so that it was really double sided without the players having to flip it over during play. For your idea have a look at the origami fortune tellers that all kids tend to fold ... it might suit your ideas.
  7. dvvega

    Show us your favourite character sheet

    @Morrus I like these - the application form more than the schoolbook (my schoolbooks were never that well organised) so it does not evoke the same feeling as one of a myriad of application forms I had to fill out for future tenants when I worked the front desk at a real estate agents way back...
  8. dvvega

    Show us your favourite character sheet

    Flying my own flag and tooting my own horn - if this is inappropriate then please delete the post. I am rather fond of the sheets I whipped up for a Savage Worlds conversion of the Pathfinder Adventure Path Strange Aeons. Here are the "advertising" shots of the sheet. D
  9. fantasy horror open.png

    fantasy horror open.png

  10. fantasy horror folded.png

    fantasy horror folded.png

  11. fantasy horror front.png

    fantasy horror front.png

  12. fantasy horror back.png

    fantasy horror back.png

  13. dvvega

    One Page Adventure: The Business of Emotion

    The one-page format has been one of the building blocks of Savage Worlds for a long time now. Most of the documents are 2 pages because they include stat blocks and art work of the big bad, but it is a single sheet if that is removed. I have pieced together an entire season 1 from one sheets...
  14. dvvega

    What's the Best Holiday to Game?

    Personally, I find all of the holidays lend themselves to great gaming - no matter the country - as long as the holiday itself is fully understood. As I wrote that my mind wandered to the movie Coco - about Dias de los Muertos. That would be a great adventure for children to go on, firstly as...
  15. dvvega

    A Tale Of Two Bestiaries: Looking At The Fiend Folio And Creature Catalog In POD

    My bad ... I was caught up in all the excitement of reliving the past :)