• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Dynel

  1. D

    Ravnica: Is This The New D&D Setting? [UPDATED & CONFIRMED!]

    To each their own and all but this is one I'm going to pass on, if it does indeed turn out to be a Ravnica setting for 5e. It'll be the first official 5e product I don't buy. If WotC feels the need to produce a M:tG-based setting when there's so many cool D&D settings waiting to be released...
  2. D

    The Paizo News Roundup

    I'm in the same boat as you, Shasarak. It seems that sometimes I need to inform my FLGS of a release so they can order it for me.
  3. D

    Simple Superhero Systems

    I would suggest Savage Worlds. It's a pretty easy system, in an of itself. Simple enough to play theater of the mind, yet has enough complexity to allow for distinct characters and concepts. With SW being a point-based system, it allows for different levels of super hero power levels...
  4. D

    Cubicle 7 Wants You To Speak, Friend, Then Enter

    Thank goodness it won't be dual-stat! Having a seperate book for each system is far, far removed from a dual-stat approach, and I'm glad that Jon confirmed that we'll never see (at least for the forseeable future) a dual-statted book. Too much clutter. I'm also glad I don't have to buy two...
  5. D

    Cubicle 7 Wants You To Speak, Friend, Then Enter

    Jon with C7 alluded in a post, in repsonse to someone not happy about the prospect of a dual-stat product, that the company was not going to go that route (dual-stat). At least that's what I gathered. <shrug> I collect both, so I'll buy both. Hasn't bothered me so far. ;)
  6. D

    Cubicle 7 Wants You To Speak, Friend, Then Enter

    I didn't get the impression that we'll be seeing a dual-stat product. If this was the case, why haven't all the new TOR releases been dual-stat? They certainly could be doing that already with new releases such as Bree or Rohan, but they haven't. I think we'll see simultaneous releases for...
  7. D

    What system would you use for gritty fantasy?

    Yeah, I agree with you, Bluenose. I don't think 5e D&D can do gritty very well / at all, and taking out bits and pieces to make it "more gritty" makes it less D&D. I share that opinion, sir. 1e/2e would certainly be a better choice over 5e but even they wouldn't be the best choice, not by a...
  8. D

    I Discovored D&D Later In Life Than I Would Have Liked And I Worry That....

    Don't sweat it Kyle. It's going to be okay! I thought I got in "late" at 13 in 1987. To be honest, I didn't start thinking that until my late 30s, musing about the stuff I wouldn't have missed if I would've started in '83 or '84. Now that's silly! :) Now, I'm 43. I've been playing rpgs...
  9. D

    Now that 4e is out, are you into it or sticking with a prior edition?

    Interestingly, Dr. Strangemonkey has a similar viewpoint as I do, though for me its directed at 4e. I see 4e as that guy you see that you knew in high school 15 years ago and are like, "Damn, what happened to him?" It just gives me the creeps. 4e is D&D only in name, in my opinion. It has...
  10. D

    Trip? Disarm? Sunder? Gone forever?

    I'm really, really not trying to be snarky when I say this, but 4e isn't even out yet and there's going to have to be house rukes already (to cover tripping, disarming, and the like)? Wow. I'd bet that Martial Power will take care of these rules.
  11. D


    I know how you feel, Phoenix, I live in Florida too. I was actually kind of suprised when I saw your Location - you don't live very far away from me. :) I keep telling my wife this is the year for GenCon...looks like it'll be next year.
  12. D

    When is okay to min/max?

    You guys have all made some good points. Thing is, we've tried to talk to him. It was a long time ago, and it didn't go over terribly well. In the last game he ran, the one where I was playing a rogue, he wanted a "character update" when we were around 9th level (basically just a write-up...
  13. D

    When is okay to min/max?

    I am running a game now. In this game, I have three players. One of the players is a min/maxer to the core. He contributes to the game in a constructive manner, but he takes all the feats/skills/spells necessary to make sure he can overcome just about anything he thinks I'm gonna throw at him...
  14. D

    Mighty Cleave?

    A player in my game tells me she would like information on the Mighty Cleave feat. I ask her, "where did you hear about a 'Mighty Cleave' feat?" She points to the other players and tells me that they said something about it. I have a lot of 3.x books, but I can't seem to find any info on a...
  15. D

    Dragon #320 Editorial

    This may be a silly example, but I look at the game Monopoly. It's been around since about 70 years (1936), and it has changed very little...more or less it's the same game it has always been. Sure, there's Harley-Davidson Monopoly, The Simpsons Monopoly, Star Wars Monopoly, etc. But those are...