Recent content by Edward Kann@StoryART

  1. Edward Kann@StoryART

    The Dread Legion Advances...(Updated 08/02/2005)

    Update 08/02/05 ...the fight was on... The Barghest's gaze swept over me as they boiled upwards out of the darkness of the ship's hold. In the baleful yellow glow of those eyes my determination began to wane. A wave of despair struck me like a physical blow and I felt the flickering candle...
  2. Edward Kann@StoryART

    The Dread Legion Advances...(Updated 08/02/2005)

    Good point. However I won't be spinning the story in exactly this same fashion. Close but far enough off that i'm not really too concerned about plastering copyright all over everything.
  3. Edward Kann@StoryART

    The Dread Legion Advances...(Updated 08/02/2005)

    Back in the saddle... Hi guys, Sorry to vanish off the face of the earth for so damn long. Babys and everything. Quick non-story update and then back to trying to get you some more story installments. My two RPG book lines ROcketship Empires and Tale of Girl were floating around in "offer"...
  4. Edward Kann@StoryART

    We were like gods once... BIG UPDATE Friday Nov 5!

    Ledded! Hey man, Back from the dead as it were. Looking forward to reading more of your stuff now that I'll be skulking the halls of EN World again. Twins are doing great. Big enough now that I can sit down and read a posting between playing baby wrangler. Rocketship Empires and Tale of...
  5. Edward Kann@StoryART

    Rocketship Empires - Product

    StoryART is proud to announce that Paul Wolfe has performed a rather extensive interview related to our upcoming Rocketship Empires 1936 books. Paul's excellent interview can be seen here: Rocketship Empires 1936 Interview by Paul Wolfe The interview includes several of the starship images...
  6. Edward Kann@StoryART

    Whatever happened to all the adventurous heroes?

    This is a great thread. Thanks for bringing the topic up and all of the comments. I can only really speak from my own experience as a Dungeon Master / GM so here goes... Early on in my DMing hobby I ran into some of the same exact problems. Really the goal back then was to sit down with my...
  7. Edward Kann@StoryART

    The Dread Legion Advances...(Updated 08/02/2005)

    Thanks guys. You are all great! So encouraging. Well Valerie is having some minor complications that will keep me at her side a good portion of each day. I will need to shove all my writing for my books into the later evening hours for the next ten days. Some time in that ten days the Dr's...
  8. Edward Kann@StoryART

    ..and I use it in my game

    Oh. Here's another good one. Combining favorite computer games with RPG games. I ran a long Legend of the Five Rings campaign a few years back. The game was fairly scaled in that all five of the player characters were brothers and sisters of one of three feuding minor noble families. The...
  9. Edward Kann@StoryART

    ..and I use it in my game

    Years ago we maintained a halloween RPG game tradition. These days with everyone having babies / kids it is harder to get together. Anyway. I recall running one game that was the classic archeologists enter the mummy's tomb game. At least to start out. For props I went nuts. Everyone had...
  10. Edward Kann@StoryART

    The Dread Legion Advances...(Updated 08/02/2005)

    The Dread Legion Advances... The Poison Arrow drew slowly alongside the drifting ghost ship. A flight of white birds, beaks dripping with bits of torn flesh off of the dead Windsail rose upwards in a spiraling squaking cloud overhead. The birds called down their insults as a trio of...
  11. Edward Kann@StoryART

    The Dread Legion Advances...(Updated 08/02/2005)

    :D You might have noticed that my posts have slowed down over the last few days. I will be trying to post in the late evenings and will go back over the previous days posts to do editing when I can. My beautiful wife Valerie is due to deliver our twin boys any day now. She is at home...
  12. Edward Kann@StoryART

    The Dread Legion Advances...(Updated 08/02/2005)

    The Dread Legion Advances... We were drawing close to Sepulcher. Victor had shown me the prior evening that we were now only a day or so distant according to his clockwork machine and the disc maps. I was enjoying a lazy musing moment in my hammock when something landed heavily on my chest...
  13. Edward Kann@StoryART

    Heads up for EN Publishing Guys

    Whoops. Sorry Ranger! Thanks for helping me get in touch and thanks Morrus for responding at lightning speed! You guys are awesome! Ed
  14. Edward Kann@StoryART

    What are you planning for Halloween?

    Well. I'm hoping that we'll be delivering our twin boys right around Halloween. That is close to their actual due date. With twins it is common for them to come premature and we are right in the pipe as far as the old..."They could come any day now." I've been married...believe me expecting...
  15. Edward Kann@StoryART

    Heads up for EN Publishing Guys

    :D Hi Guys, I purchased the 100,000 impressions for a banner ad I sent in at the beginning of the week and haven't heard back anything from anyone yet. I tried the email address listed a RPGnow for submitting the banner ad but unfortunately that address is down and keeps bouncing emails. So...