• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Elsenrail

  1. E

    "Tabletop D&D Has Lost Its Way" Says Pathfinder Video Game Exec

    I would really welcome a new D&D cRPG. Baldur's gate, Icewind Dale and Plancescape Torment is what brought me to D&D actually. I'm looking forward to Pillars of Eternity and Torment Tides of Numenera as they resemble these classic games. However, there is one developer who made its mark by...
  2. E

    When PDFs for sale?

    DDI has the rules database. If You like the art, well, buy the hardcopy. That's what a true collector does. No sense selling pdfs that after a day would be "cracked" and uploaded on torrents.
  3. E

    Fourth Edition is a MASTERPIECE!

    It's not a perfect edition... but it's generally a major improvement in my eyes. What I love the most is the new monster design. Monsters are simple to run and generally cool. That's something I (as a DM) have always desired. And the new at-will/per encounter/daily/utility powers system is a...
  4. E

    Please vote in other pdf thread- thanks!

    Anyone knows if WotC still plans to release 4ed pdfs? It seems little sense now... if the quality of those illegal copies is so high. The sales of the Gift Sens on amazon are outstanding. This is clearly a bestseller. At the moment #4. :)
  5. E

    Just posting to make you all jealous, I HAVE THEM

    I have the books! At last! Monster Manual looks lovely. I'm a stat-geek, so I'm reading it first. Wow! The art is amazing! Anyone has questions about monsters? Ask. :) Other questions too... but I need to read MM first... or rather leaf through.
  6. E

    Encumberance... In or Out?

    As Nikosandros said. It makes little sense to include it in the rules from this simple reason.
  7. E

    Eberron and Level Tiers?

    What about Zenobaal and his djinni assasin? Together they're like some 3.5 greater deity.
  8. E

    Smuggled photos

    Personally I don't find the art partcicularly good. The battle with the dragon looks very unreal.
  9. E

    New Information from the UK

    At last it works for me. This FRCS cover is... ugly. And the "core" logo? Does anyone know if it stays? I hope not. It would be a disaster for FR not to have its own logo.
  10. E

    New Information from the UK

    Why haven't You posted only the links? My browser can't open those. But I could download them for sure.
  11. E

    'Dungeons & Dragons' fights for its future

    Look at the newest report from icv2. It really doesn't look good. 4th edition may be the last (because if it's good, many people won't buy the 5th ed. stuff; a lot will play 3.5 still). The rpg industry is a tiny piece of the hobby market cake (15-17 million $ a year). Compare it to CCG and...
  12. E

    Richard Baker on Orcus and Deity Slaying

    You can become immortal before reaching 30th level. Lichedom, becoming a shade, perhaps as a monk, vampire.
  13. E

    Richard Baker on Orcus and Deity Slaying

    I only hope they get rid of the overgods (because its confusing*). Greater powers are enough. There are some imprisoned primordials as well. *I don't like the idea that there is a Big Brother whose job is to maintain neutrality and stability of the cosmos. The universe is all about...
  14. E

    Richard Baker on Orcus and Deity Slaying

    So that means a lesser god would have the power of Orcus/Demogorgon. It sounds very nice. A great challenge for a player. (and fighting a greater power only in certain circumstances).
  15. E

    Afterlife in 4th edition

    Do they stated where the souls are created? In 3e it was the positive energy plane and those crystaline soul forges or whatever (don't remember this adventure with a dragon). The reincarnation is not a bad idea, after all. But its strange if the gods don't know. Especially the gods of death...