
I'm a 23 year old Computer Science major attending a university in Chicago. Previous to that, I was an English major at a small liberal arts college on the North Shore. I've been living in the North Shore area for nearly all my life, though I did spend a number of years in Houston, TX. I was introduced to D&D many years ago, through the AD&D-based Dragon Quest boardgame, though it wasn't until much later (actually only about 5-6 years ago) that I began playing the PnP version of D&D, starting with AD&D 2nd Edition. Even though 3.0 was already out at that time, my DM at the time didn't think it was all that great. However, when 3.5 came out I convinced everyone to try it out, and my group played it up until we finished our final campaign (the Red Hand of Doom).

Currently, I am running a 4E campaign based in my homebrew world. We've gone through 4 sessions so far, with the PCs succeeding in clearing the name of their favorite bartender -- "Snake Eyes" Jack, the drow proprietor of the Trog's Trough tavern and gambling hall -- of a most heinous murder. However, in doing so, they've discovered an even viler threat: agents of the god of disease and decay, Falazure the Dark Dragon, are working on some evil plot in the city of Hawk Hill. The PCs managed to destroy one part of this despicable group of Falazurians: a contingent of dragonborn from the far-off land of Ryu-tei. However, the person who summoned the foreigners here - a figure only known as Nefilariax - is still at large, and is searching for the prison of a great visionary in Falazure's cult. The PCs now are racing to find Nefilariax before something horrible happens. Already, the citizens of Hawk Hill are beginning to fall prey to Falazure's Blessing, becoming little more than ravenous, diseased zombies.

Aside from that, I play in a LFR group biweekly, where my character is a money-obsessed, level 3 stormsoul genasi swordmage from Calimshan named Zan-Bal. Also in LFR, I play a level 2 warforged battlerager fighter named Fist. As can be surmised, Fist only believes in battle. There are no alternatives.
Sep 19, 1985 (Age: 38)
Buffalo Grove, IL