Recent content by felonious assault

  1. F

    CB's Shackled City OOC [Closed]

    Hey, I don't think I am going to be playing this online stuff anymore. Honestly it just isn't very interesting to me or very fun, and it is a drain on time that I could be doing something I enjoy. I guess tabletopping is more my speed as I enjoy the sitting around with frends spending time more...
  2. F

    CB's Shackled City: Zenith Trajectory

    Well, As usual, Aaron has done exactly the wrong thing and endangered us all. Whoever was keeping an eye on the shop has no need to know we are not gone and definitely SHOULD NOT be bringing us supplies. In fact they shouldn't be in the shop at all, and neither should we. He only needs to be...
  3. F

    CB's Shackled City OOC [Closed]

    I am so glad this was decided while I was not able to take part in the discussion. The plan is completely moot now because Aaron is too short-sighted to see what's going on.
  4. F

    CB's Shackled City: Zenith Trajectory

    I do not thnk we should let ANYONE know that we are not really gone. If worst comes to worst and we need more supplies, then Aaron can magic himself into something else and get them. As far as havng someone watch the shop, Michael would be fine but he does not need to know we are not gone. As...
  5. F

    CB's Shackled City OOC [Closed]

    I will be out of town for a couple of days so I will probably not post again until at least Wednesday night, more likely Thursday.
  6. F

    CB's Shackled City: Zenith Trajectory

    "Can you make the image talk to poeple on the way out? What if people stop us or ask us questions? What if there is another scene in the streets and we have to take an alternate route? How big of an image can you make? It has to be 100% realistic or there is no need to do it. If we can do...
  7. F

    CB's Shackled City: Zenith Trajectory

    "I realize that he can buy scrying, but there is only so much we can do. If we put up the illusion of doing as he wishes, then perhaps he will be content for a while giving us some time before he tries magical spying. With luck by the time he decides to check on us we will be in the underdark...
  8. F

    CB's Shackled City: Zenith Trajectory

    Putting my arm around Aaron, "I think you are a bit overwrought with this whole thing little buddy. Celeste is defiitely not what she is trying to make us believe, or at least that is not all that she is, but everyne has reaons to keep secrets. Remember we hide things from authorities here...
  9. F

    CB's Shackled City: Zenith Trajectory

    Well Celeste, If we have the information we are going to get then you have the answer that you are going to. We do plan on trying to help Davked using the resources available to us. We will be going the path we decide to go when we decide to got that path. You will know the task is completed...
  10. F

    CB's Shackled City OOC [Closed]

    Hey I accidentally posted as Canadienne Bacon so ignore the XXX in the IC.
  11. F

    CB's Shackled City: Zenith Trajectory

    Taking Celeste's hand and kissing the knuckles,... My lovely Celeste, please refresh my memory as to what a woman such as yourself is doing in association with someone as grizzled as Darkved? I am sorry but my memory is poor sometimes and I can't remember the connection and I must admit I am...
  12. F

    CB's Shackled City OOC [Closed]

    OOps you are right. The weasel is my familiar and is named Poe. I will edit the other entry.
  13. F

    CB's Shackled City: Zenith Trajectory

    Meenah seems as likely a candidate as we will find so If we are takin on another it might as well be her I suppose. But know this Meenah and the others can attest to the validity of it....when a foe has lost its ability to fight and is not a threat we will not harm it in any way even if that...
  14. F

    CB's Shackled City: Zenith Trajectory

    And if circumstances dictate that getting the thing to authorities is impossible such as you are in a dungeon trying to go deeper or speed is of the essence and a prisoner will slow us down too much? Or say the authorities are of qustionable righteousness and you have reason to believe they...