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Recent content by Felorn Gloryaxe

  1. F

    Pathfinder 1E Firearms?

    Your post makes me sick. I never, in any post, said firearms are more powerful than melee weapons. But its complete :):):):):):):):) to call something a headshot when it doesn't hit the head. And you really think there is no difference between weapons then and now? That shows how ignorant you...
  2. F

    Pathfinder 1E Firearms?

    I understand what you are saying, but the rules are pretty much implying a headshot, and if what you say is true about grazing, the the character is pretty much always grazing. I tend to think of battles cinematically, not in a rules context. If someone is saying they are going to use their...
  3. F

    Pathfinder 1E Firearms?

    This is what I was thinking (Just really couldn't think of a way to say it). The terminology makes me think that it is going through some part of the head. Not against the head or what ever. And even if people survive from headshots which I know some do, most aren't still up and fighting when...
  4. F

    Pathfinder 1E Firearms?

    No but with a gun and a head shot... It should be more than grazing. A sword slice across the face won't kill you but you should be blinded or stunned temporarily. I too don't like called shots, but when a system implements I prefer them to have adequate repercussions. Like I said in my post...
  5. F

    Pathfinder 1E Firearms?

    No need to explain HP I know what it is but I don't consider a headshot grazing... Simple as that. No need to try and go into what HP is or who survived from gunshots.
  6. F

    Pathfinder 1E Questions about the Pathfinder Online MMO for Ryan Dancey, Mark Kalmes, or Lisa Stevens?

    What will the questing system be like? Will it be your cliche kill 10 rats? Or will it be completely story driven questing?
  7. F

    Pathfinder 1E Firearms?

    How many times was this person shot in the head though? Head shots typically mean insta-death. Unless it is a big creature with a very thick skull (like a bear, dragon, etc).
  8. F

    Pathfinder 1E Firearms?

    ForeverSlayer You think I don't understand that? But the head shot thing is a load of crap IMO. If an adventurer is trying to kill something he isn't just gonna graze it.
  9. F

    Pathfinder 1E How do you make your game world more immersive?

    Well I'm just gonna list some good things off to make your game more realistic. A Calendar - Having Dates, and holidays can make your game that much more real Make things happen even when PCs aren't around - For instance lets say a Man named Bofur owns a tavern the heroes go away for a couple...
  10. F

    Pathfinder 1E Firearms?

    Yeah I too hear the gun rules are hit and miss. Literally. It also is fairly unrealistic how do you justify this: Targeting (Ex): At 7th level, as a full-round action, the gunslinger can make a single firearm attack and choose part of the body to target. She gains the following effects...