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Recent content by FesterJester

  1. F

    D&D 5E Freeing Levistus

    So my campaign is under way but I'm struggling with some specifics for my BBEG. SO he's tasked with creating 3 gates. 1 to the elemental plane of fire, one to the windswept plane of Pandemonium and one to Stygia. The winds fuel the fires siphoned into Stygia and free Levistus. Ok, so that...
  2. F

    D&D 5E DM workshop

    Joined thx. Looks like the kinda thing I'm looking for!
  3. F

    D&D 5E DM workshop

    Does anyone here have recommendations on a place where DM's can workshop ideas? I've gotten some really good help on here, but given the type of posts I see it doesn't really seem like the place for it.
  4. F

    D&D 5E Tips on creating a "verge of war" campaign

    So I'm DMing for a group on what I thought was going to be like a 2 or 3 shot until the real DM got back and now here I am, 6 sessions later needing to prep a broader campaign. I talked to the group and they want a 50/50 RP/crawl game. I haven't run since high school (a whooooole minute ago)...
  5. F

    D&D 5E Books Books Books

    Cool thx!
  6. F

    D&D 5E Books Books Books

    So the players in my game (especially the Wizard) occasionally find themselves in a library and they're always like "is there any interesting books in here?" to which I'm always trying to make something up. So I'm starting to compile a list of books that I can look to in the same way that many...
  7. F

    D&D 5E Does this riddle make sense?

    So I've reworked it and reworked it based on you're input. The game is tomorrow and I'll make a post to let you know what the PC's decide to do (of it were me I'd be curious) & how hard they find it. Thanks for the help!
  8. F

    D&D 5E Does this riddle make sense?

    They will, basically I have it set up the the angels boons are defensive in nature (increased healing, AC, etc) and the devils are offensive.
  9. F

    D&D 5E Does this riddle make sense?

    Well the backstory (which I talk about in another post) is that they've been stuck in this room together for almost a millennia and they've both gone a little crazy from being stuck with their arch enemy, but the devil is already a little crazy so you can't tell lol. The reason the angel doesn't...
  10. F

    D&D 5E Does this riddle make sense?

    I was originally thinking a demon, I went with devil simply to add in that "make a deal with the devil" sort of circumstance. That and an Eryines and deva shooting next to each other is an interesting sight. I think I'll try it that way though. I am thinking they will automatically go with the...
  11. F

    D&D 5E Does this riddle make sense?

    Yes it is, or is supposed to be. The only reason I'm not seeing it up as "one always lies one always tells the truth" is because he isn't lying through the rest of the conversation per se.
  12. F

    D&D 5E Does this riddle make sense?

    Sorry, my paraphrasing ended up being confusing. He simply says the angel is lying. The rest is what I'm going the players feel about him saying that.
  13. F

    D&D 5E Does this riddle make sense?

    I am making a social encounter/riddle for my players involving an angel and a devil that have been trapped in a summoning room of a long dead wizard for almost a millennium. There are 2 levers in the room: one releases the angel, one releases the devil. The both try to convince the players to...
  14. F

    D&D 5E The Nature of the Shield Spell

    Since 5e doesn't have facing, the idea of it needing to be a totally surrounding force field is unnecessary. As attacks come in the shield moves in order to intercept while its up. As to the idea of it being a reaction, my previous DM explained it like this: 1. attacker swings at you 2. *rolls...
  15. F

    D&D 5E Idea that I'm not sure where to go with

    Go for it! As my favorite DM used to say, plagiarism is the highest compliment!