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Recent content by FolcoTook

  1. F

    Brainstorming Help - Relics of the Unnamed One

    I'm trying to think up some items that would have been in the possession of a powerful wizard that has since been banished form the material plane. I want to sprinkle in some items that once belonged to her and specifically one that can bring her back to the material plane. I'm not overly...
  2. F

    OOTS 388 is up

    OP apologizes. OP has added link to OP.
  3. F

    OOTS 388 is up

    "Not right now, Roy." ..... I think Elan has a bit of a problem with the whole fantasy/reality thing. But then, he is a D&D character, so I guess that shouldn't be too surprising. :D http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0388.html
  4. F

    Tiles? Terrain? Battlemats?

    I use a couple 16x20 poster frames I got a Wal Mart for about $6 each. I then printed up a 1" grid and put that in the frame. The frame edges are thin enough (probably about 1 mm) that you can put the two together when needed to make one 32x20 or 16x40 area. The frame has a glass front and I use...
  5. F

    Outside of the WoTC D&D minis...

    Just another thought, if you have any ability with graphics/layout applications, it's pretty easy to make your own counters using the Art Galleries on WotC's site. -FT
  6. F

    Dragon #346

    Just an FYI, it's been in the works for about a year. As a disclaimer, I hadn't heard about it until I was reading this thread, but a google search led me here: http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=0&id=36865 -FT
  7. F

    What was your first year of DMing like? Mistakes new DM's can avoid..

    You know, that's one of those things that's so obvious it's easy to miss. Thanks. I'm actually getting a new group going and, as I haven't played with most of them, I'm in the boat of not really knowing play style preferences. I have been trying to find out what they want to do and this should...
  8. F

    Player schticks that grind your gears

    A group I played in had 2 of the Relaxed Lawyers. It was a wonderful thing because you could count on at least one of them to know (or be able to look up in <10 secs) any relevant rule. The downside of that group was that we also had a Jailhouse Lawyer who refused to believe any of the rest of...
  9. F

    Player schticks that grind your gears

    The Uptight Rules Lawyer: Believes in following the absolute letter of the rules and will stop play for hours if he thinks a DM judgement is wrong. Is completely unwilling to table such discussions until after the session. The Jailhouse Rules Lawyer: Thinks he is a standard rules lawyer, but...
  10. F

    RPG-ish Boardgames

    It's an old one, but if you can find it Dark Tower was one of my favorites as a kid. http://well-of-souls.com/tower/ Holy.... I just saw it's current 'market value' on boardgamegeek.com. I may have to dig that up and see what shape it's in. -FT
  11. F

    What do your Orcs look like?

    My orcs are modeled after the Uruk-Hai as depicted in the LotR movies. My goblins are modeled after the goblin/orcs in the LotR movies. -FT
  12. F

    Totally Obscure Game of the Day

    Here's one that my brother and I picked up at a garage sale when we were but wee lads... Landslide (1971 version). It's a game of presidential politics and the goal is to win the presidency. As social studies activity as it sounds, it was actually a fun game. I think my brother actually still...
  13. F

    XP or EP?

    Hey, how many XPs are these non-money-referring E.P. crazies worth, anyway? I'm thinking they can't be much more than a CR 1/2 encounter. :p E.P. It's all about the electrums, baby. -FT
  14. F

    Best class mix for party of five or more?

    I'd say it really depends on what type of campaign is being run. Hack n' Slash/action oriented, then definitely a backup fighter with more healing (cleric or pally) is a good choice. Intrigue/political oriented, then a bard could really come in handy. High magic quotient, then another arcane...
  15. F

    The ripping of character sheets

    I'll throw my hat into the "that's just silly" ring. As far as my characters, the sheets are generally inside plastic sheet protectors in a thin plastic binder, so good luck trying to rip those up. -FT