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Recent content by Fractalwave

  1. F

    Suite Interoperability

    You probably caught Chris when he was taking a few days off and I don't check these boards daily. He is back now but he'd a bit backlogged. I'm sure he's open to suggestions. Just give him the weekend to catch up. ;)
  2. F

    Clearing the air about PCGen Data Files

    There was a third conversation...way up at the first post. It was Chris' post regarding some emails he was receiving. To me, it's important because all those types of emails seem to accomplish is irritate or create a devisiveness that slows our progress towards interoperability. Plus, it gives...
  3. F

    Clearing the air about PCGen Data Files

    Interoperability That is probably the most intelligent statement made in this thread thus far and the main reason I have not taken part in it until now. On Interoperability: Interoperability and the degree of interoperability sought is a function of users requesting it. As such, it should not...
  4. F

    What happens to OGC which violates OGL?

    Thanks for making me laugh! Unfortunately, 404 is not an uncommon reaction to language meant to define hard and fast rules. The nature of language is such that it is always open to varying interpretations. This is one reason that licenses really do require open discussion so those using them...
  5. F

    Adkison's Gen Con report

    Re: Re: Adkison's Gen Con report ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!
  6. F

    Special Thanks to Swag Givers for Gathering

    The con was great, the bar was great, the people were great. My Mom had so much fun being Garth Vader on Sunday afternoon that we laughed half the way home about it. She told several people that asked her on the floor that she WAS Garth. Alsi, were you the one who gave us i r.p.g. bumper...
  7. F

    Special Thanks too Alisih20...and.

    The bar was great! Pick it up and move it downtown! I thoroughly enjoyed meeting all of you and look forward to seeing you again next year. I know Chris enjoyed it, too. It's too easy, as a "publisher" to forget to spend time with fans outside of the convention hall floor at these cons and we...
  8. F

    So what is the new "Safe House"?

    O'Rourke's was a great place, just way out of town. The four bar place which included a place called Brewski's was alright. Peter pointed us that direction one night. There just weren't a lot of people there. There was both a Champ's and a Champions, which was confusing enough. Where was Ram...
  9. F

    [ENNIES CEREMONY] I need Cover images

    I've sent the Campaign Suite cover. Let me know if you don't receive it.
  10. F

    Are you an ENnies finalist?

    The PNG file for our cover is 1.7 MB. You sure you want it in your email?
  11. F

    Ennies Ceremony: How should nominees dress?

    I double dare someone to show up in disco garb a la Saturday Night Fever! :D
  12. F

    Ennies Ceremony: How should nominees dress?

    I double dare someone to show up in full disco garb a la Saturday Night Fever. :D
  13. F

    back from Origins

    images You got those images from me right? I'm very much looking forward to GenCon and seeing you guys there.
  14. F

    Character Generator

    MONKEY POX!!! Have we successfully reduced this thread to a discussion of darwinian theory yet?
  15. F

    Character Generator

    Okay, I gotta chime in now. I'll be in that booth! Guys, I got a bum knee and am currently on crutches. Kindly aim at each other. :D For the rest of you, I'll be the one on the side taking pictures of them both and selling them for charity!!!