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Recent content by Garrett Bishop

  1. Garrett Bishop

    Best Cleric race? (sorry if this is in the wrong forum)

    New Question Hi All, My question is...well, first of all let me start out with this: I was just asked to join a Game with no dedicated healer. (Just a Paladin) The DM is starting us at lvl 11 with a 24 Point Buy. The game setting is basically all Undead, Demons etc. I was wondering what...
  2. Garrett Bishop

    Rock out with your spock out! Lol

    Hey Star Trek Fans, I don't know if any of you saw this yet, but it's my new favorite song. http://www.ussomega.com/2012/<wbr>02/24/rock-out-with-your-<wbr>spock-out/ Hilarious Music video Starring Spock in a Bathrobe, getting drunk, and even pissing in the sink. Enjoy Garrett