• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


I'm a gender nihilist/non-binary/agender trans woman, an anarcho-communist and a lifelong tabletop RPG nerd. I love Eclipse Phase, but I've played a massive selection of what English-language tabletop gaming has to offer. Love board games too!

I started off on Palladium Books stuff like Rifts (my very first gamer moneysink was buying easily dozens of their books across nearly every single setting) but I haven't played any of those in years. My first exposure to D&D was 2e Planescape and I still have a huge amount of affection and nostalgia for that setting, and I'm in love with White Wolf/Obsidian books even if I don't often get to play 'em these days. My longest running campaign as GM/DM was a 3.5 Eberron game that lasted 3+ years and then turned into a 4e Eberron game that petered out kinda quickly (4e remains my least favourite D&D ruleset by far) and I hope 5e releases some Eberron setting material soon because it's my fave ruleset of D&D, even more than 3.x/PF tbqh (altho I'd be mollified somewhat by a 5e Planescape release in the meantime WotC!!).

All that said, currently I'm only GMing a pbp game of Eclipse Phase with some comrades of mine! Eclipse Phase is definitely the best setting I've ever encountered, period. As a tabletop setting it fills all the needs I could ever want, combines all the setting elements I need either as player or GM, and I love it more than my own life. I'm more than open to playing in other games than Eclipse Phase (prob can't GM/DM any more than just this one game at the moment tho), but I def prefer EP over literally any other option on the table (even Planescape! if I told teenage me that fact I don't think they'd believe me lmao).