• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by georbit

  1. G

    RISE OF TIAMAT Now Available For Fantasy Grounds

    That still sounds like a lot of money, especially if the DM and several of the players already bought books and adventures. It's basically buying all that twice, except not, as my books were on sale and cost $30 each. It's a lot to think about though. The video and screenshots look amazing.
  2. G

    RISE OF TIAMAT Now Available For Fantasy Grounds

    So, now, how much does it cost to get the whole thing for Fantasy Grounds, such that the GM acquires it all and the players don't have to pay as well. And if you get the monthly subscription does that cover these adventures too? I looked at their website it wasn't too clear on that in my opinion.
  3. G

    D&D 5E Character Level Progression Time Frame

    So there's a slowing down from 5-11... hmm... Did not know that.
  4. G

    D&D 5E Character Level Progression Time Frame

    I've been running a 5E game most weeks since the beginning of January. We also played 4 times prior to this as well. It's been roughly 18 sessions, with each session averaging 3.5 hours (we have limited time). My question is for the DM's out there who run longer games, or short games, what...
  5. G

    D&D 5E Pros and Cons of using the average damage on the Monster's stat block.

    Side question: You are running a Red Hand of Doom? How well has it translated to 5E?
  6. G

    D&D 5E Magic Ammunition

    +1 arrows should be a whole lot less expensive than a +1 bow, which is why a low level character might want a few in their quiver.
  7. G

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    I apologize in advance if the following question has been asked before, I just don't have time to read 42 pages worth of other statements. For Rangers and Paladins can the Character Sheet III be just through level 5, as they never get spells above that. Same for Eldritch Knight, Arcane...
  8. G

    D&D 5E Magic Ammunition

    The idea of consumables indicates to me anything that is expended if used once is a consumable, which any magic arrow is if you consider that even missing with an arrow you still hit some target. I looked at the phrasing of the DMG magic ammunition and it doesn't specifically state that it is...
  9. G

    D&D 5E Pros and Cons of using the average damage on the Monster's stat block.

    Spells with an attack can crit. Just not spells with a DC. It's still faster to roll, then look down at the page and say you take X damage, instead of having to roll the damage dice, add that up and then add the modifier that most have.
  10. G

    D&D 5E Pros and Cons of using the average damage on the Monster's stat block.

    Hmm... I like that. Nat 1 on saves, max damage. Have you killed anyone that way?
  11. G

    D&D 5E DM: overwhelmed with creatures

    I've been using the iPad app Game Master 5, and I imported all the MM from dropbox tools. So I have the encounter with all the creatures right there, and it's easy to just subtract damage from each monster as the players do the damage. It's been a real time saver.
  12. G

    D&D 5E Pros and Cons of using the average damage on the Monster's stat block.

    I agree with that, tipping the monster's hp. I do it often for the last bad guy if there's a mob of them and he can't get away. Why waste the time having your characters pound on him when the end result is the same. For me that time is important, because all the prep in the world, and I...
  13. G

    D&D 5E Pros and Cons of using the average damage on the Monster's stat block.

    The meta-gaming factor comes out occasionally when they keep track of the monster's hit points. I don't really mind that, they are all new to this edition and new to D&D in general. They're trying to figure out the details, how does AC usually correspond to hit points and etc. But I will say...
  14. G

    D&D 5E Pros and Cons of using the average damage on the Monster's stat block.

    I looked to see if this had been talked about in the last 2 months and I couldn't find anything. I find myself in this edition using the average damage notation in the monster's stat block when I assign damage. The only time I really do something different is when I crit, and then I roll the...
  15. G

    D&D 5E Archetypes/Traditions/Domains, that are tiered?

    In the Dragonlance 3.x rule books, they had tiered prestige classes for the Solamnic Knights, knight of the crown, sword, and rose respectively. And there was a slight tieredness to the way they did magic users too. Now, I think that for Conclave wizards in Dragonlance using the Conclave as a...