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Recent content by Gilbou

  1. G

    D&D 5E WotC will not allow translation of D&D NEXT.

    Yes. I was in primary school in France (around 12 or 13 or age) when a friend showed me "L'oeil noir". He had brought a book at school but he had the whole box at home. He lended it to me for a day, and I've been playing RPGs since :-)
  2. G

    D&D 5E D&D 5e NPC Generator (O.G.R.E.)

    I need a small tool I can launch, and be able to generate a char from either a random encounter or something. I think first version of tool will just do that. Generating players later. I need to check available tools, if they already do the job, more useful to contribute to them, if possible...
  3. G

    D&D 5E WotC will not allow translation of D&D NEXT.

    Yes I totally agree with you. Choosing the English version is indeed my choice, and yours. But some players do need translated versions because they're not fluent in English. If translations are available, I will suggest my players to get them if they prefer. If something doesn't seem clear...
  4. G

    D&D 5E With the Holy Trinity out, let's take stock of 5E

    I started D&D with second edition. Played it quite a lot. At that time, I mastered Cyberpunk 2020 and Vampire and I weighted heavily on storytelling. After the club closed and I went away for some years, thanks to the military, I came back to playing, but I bought 1st edition D&D because I...
  5. G

    D&D 5E A running list of questions from a new player/new DM. Other n00bs please feel free to add in.

    I would start with the starter kit. I would email each player a link to download the game rules and I would set up one appointment with either all players together or each one individually to have them create their character, if they prefer to create one instead of going with a pre-generated...
  6. G

    D&D 5E WotC will not allow translation of D&D NEXT.

    I support this choice. I'm French but I also love English and I always bought all my games in English, from D&D to Cyberpunk. The reason is : translation errors and mistakes. It goes from errors of typo to whole missing parts like tables that disappear in the translated version. We had this...
  7. G

    D&D 5E Amazon and the DMG: What's the story?

    Ordered it as "pre-order" but got an email saying we probably won't get it in France before 20th to 25th December :p
  8. G

    D&D 5E D&D 5e NPC Generator (O.G.R.E.)

    I do C# programming myself and I was considering building a small tool to be able to generate any kind of character or monster on the fly. What platform and langage are you going to use, if I may ask sir ?
  9. G

    D&D 5E How do you adapt an elemental of CR5 to any lower CR quickly when a player summons one ?

    Thank for your answer. As I am reading the Player's handbook, I am also generating a few tables and monsters so when a player uses a spell or I need something to be available quickly, I got it under hand, like 5 examples of a monster than can be summoned for example, so I don't need to roll...
  10. G

    D&D 5E How do you adapt an elemental of CR5 to any lower CR quickly when a player summons one ?

    I have a question about the spells than can have players summon creatures. If I have player summon an elemental, the spell description says it can, for example, have one elemental of CR 2 appear. But when I check the monster's guide, the elementals visible there (one for each element) are CR 5...