• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by GKG_Alan

  1. G

    Meet GallantFunding, A Kickstarter Competitor

    Alan from GKG here! It's not quite that simple (in our eyes), but if you want to reduce it to that, then yes. For years, folks have been leveling the "Kickstarter is just preorder" accusation, so in an attempt to cut back on Kickstarters (as well as fees to Kickstarter, pledgemanagers, and...
  2. G

    Big Fantasy Adventure in a Tiny Dungeon

    Hey! Hatchling Edition is perfect for him then! He might need some help with terminology (we tried hard, and had kids proof read it! But it's always a sliding scale).
  3. G

    Still No Elves In Talislanta: The Savage Land

    Hey Charles, Thanks for the review. As a note: you're reviewing the Backer only preview PDF, which has not had an index applied yet, as we are still incorporating backer feedback and corrections into the book. The finalized book will be coming out from Nocturnal Media once all three editions...
  4. G

    Al-Qadim: Land of Fate (5e conversion)

    Hey! Is there an updated playtest document for this?