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Recent content by Glak

  1. G

    My grievance with D&D races

    I think that the ideal solution would be: The first three books (PHB, DMG, MM) should assume a human-centric game with Dwarves, Elves, and Halflings. Humans should clearly be stronger than the other races, but not overpowering. The books would make clear that all of these races (including...
  2. G

    D&D 4E Disarming in 4e

    I like it, better than a few attempts that I've seen. I'm going to do disarm for my setting as a daily power. I put enough humanoids in that it will be worth it at least once per day.
  3. G

    Area Weapons

    Bob: You made my point exactly. The whole point of this type of weapon, "Area Weapons" is so that this doesn't mess with roles or powers. Rangers can't use their powers with these weapons because all of the Ranger powers specify either melee or ranged weapons. Wizards won't get upstaged as...
  4. G

    Area Weapons

    Those rules are pretty cool but that isn't what I am going for. What you have is good for adding in grenades as a special kind of weapon. What I am doing is adding in a whole new category of weapons with the intent that they be as different from ranged as ranged is from melee. If my area...
  5. G

    Area Weapons

    In the PHB we have melee and ranged weapons. It doesn't take much of a stretch to define a few area weapons. Here are the rules for area weapons, followed by some powers: 1) Area weapons a name, proficiency bonus, damage, price, weight, and group. 2) Area weapons have two ranges separated by...
  6. G

    Starfolk. Help me make this a monster!

    you don't make monsters using a player race. For example check out the Dragonborn in the MM, one of them has wings! Likewise they all have unique abilities instead of class abilities. There are rules in the DMG for making monsters. Look that the MM to get some ideas for monster special...
  7. G

    Newbie Setting Builder Help: Looking for advice on Race construction

    I like giving races anti-synergy. It cements their flavor while at the same time diversifying their class options. So for example, you have a minotaur race. You give it some bonuses that push it towards the fighter class. Then you give it free proficiency with the greataxe. Now people want...
  8. G

    Help! A player wants to play "Captain America"

    This is purely a flavor problem. My halfling chef/sidekick (warlord, rogue multiclass) character wields a large dinner platter. It has the stats of a short sword and light shield. Captain America needs to wield his fists (pick a weapon) and his shield (a shield). When he throws his shield...
  9. G

    Magic Weapons and Keyword Inheritance

    see the thing with "obvious" is that it is *obvious*. There is no need for text to back things up. If something deals psychic damage then it has the psychic keyword, regardless of whether the text says so. The text is simply wrong. It is that easy. You're the DM, make things work. You...
  10. G

    Magic Weapons and Keyword Inheritance

    well I can see that none of you remember 2e. This 3e/M:tG (I love that game) way of thinking has no place in 4e. I am almost GLAD that the rules are so ambiguous and probably wrong. They simply require a little common sense to fix. Here is how I am going to play: A "usage" is the...
  11. G

    PHB II in March?

    they can't use Templar because they need that name for Dark Sun. I think that their choices for classes and power sources were deliberately designed to support the new yearly core strategy. By including Arcane and Divine it extends what people already have. There will be people who if they...
  12. G

    How many magic items are PCs supposed to have?

    if you have five players and they level five times, you have 20 magical items, enough for each person to have four. If all of the items came at the end up the adventure then you would have a bunch of items that were higher level than the party. However you gained most of the items at about...
  13. G

    Multi-class House Rules. Suggestions Requested.

    I was thinking of redoing the feats myself, and for the most part I can use yours except for where they grant at-wills. The reason being, that if you have the proper skill training feat you would be allowed to swap and at-will Initiate of the Faith Prerequisite: Wis 13 Benefit: You can use a...
  14. G

    Stopping the "extended rest after every encounter"

    give them a magic ring
  15. G

    Monster Manual: What's missing which has impacted you?

    Like most everyone else, I really miss those animals. In fact, those are really the ONLY monsters that I truly needed. I make my own monsters. In my last campaign I used the zombie and skeleton templates once each, and I used elementals once or twice, but every other monster was completely...