Recent content by GlyphicEngineer

  1. GlyphicEngineer

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour - (Updated 14February2024)

    Having binged this entire story hour over the course of the last two weeks, all I can say is: wow. You have a brilliantly torturous mind, Shemmy. Hats off to you for such a fantastically plotted and fantastically written story!
  2. GlyphicEngineer

    D&D General Truths and Principles: Towards a United Metaphysics of Magic

    The below is The Magic Hermaphrodite's excellent set of notes, summations, and theories expanding upon the original work. Please give it a read! Preface: What follows is, essentially, a series of observations and interpretations of the original work, particularly one that attempts to divine an...
  3. GlyphicEngineer

    D&D General Truths and Principles: Towards a United Metaphysics of Magic

    Brief out-of-character note: This is my attempt to reverse-engineer D&D's system of spell schools into a consistent metaphysics that can be used to correct some of WotC's weirder choices when assigning spells to schools. It's intended to work within the "default" shared cosmology as defined in...