Recent content by grimfish

  1. G

    I draw the occasional D&D map

    These are fantastic as always. I frequently rip off your style when I draw my own dungeons or just doodling at work. Never with the same level of skill or imagination. I love how they are completely functional and let the game unfold without being cluttered and messy. You could prep them for the...
  2. Log.png


  3. TimeTracker.png


  4. Adventure.png


  5. G

    Quest Clock: App to track in-game time for RPGs

    Hi all, I wanted share (shamelessly plug) Quest Clock, an app I created that helps out with a common issue while playing RPGs. (screenshots below) A little background: The biggest issue I ran into as a new GM was that the party...
  6. G

    Look Back In Strangeness: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness Game

    I had an armadillo and he was one of my favorite characters of all time! Honestly I can’t remember if he was any good. He just ended up being a blast to play. TMNT and Heroes Unlimited were my favorite games. I liked the percentile dice and structural damage. Rules were very lacking but somehow...
  7. G

    With D&D Beyond has D&D Leap Frogged the Competition?

    Honest question: who is the competitors that they leapfrogged specifically? I don't see that it is much more than an electronic version of their paper offerings. Who else has electronic versions? Obviously Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds are sort of in the pool with them, but I would not call them...