Recent content by Gwarok

  1. G

    D&D General Why Exploration Is the Worst Pillar

    To the OP, yes, you are right. I love walking out in nature, its amazing and has some sights that you remember for the rest of your life. But we mere mortal DM's, even legendary literary greats, simply can't render that sense of awe at seeing the perfect sunset or ocean or Mountain View with...
  2. G

    D&D 5E Wand of the War Mage, Rod of the Pact Keeper, and Saving Throw DCs

    That part in bold for sure. I always laugh when I think about "Staff of Fire" vs. "Staff of Power". Both are Very Rare, yet the staff of power can do everything the fire one can, plus a zillion other awesome things, including adding +2(!) to AC, spell attack rolls, and Saving throws while...
  3. G

    D&D 5E Sorcerer Vs Wizard And Why its Closer Than You Think

    It's the lack of versatility. If you have the spells, you can load the exact same thing any sorcerer can, which is almost certainly going to be aimed at combat functionality. How many sorcerers are going to have a long repertoire of divination spells? Contact Other Plane is awesome, as is...
  4. G

    D&D 5E How do you handle the "economy killing spells" in your game?

    So this is in reply to the original poster, as I'm not reading all the way through a berjillion other posts on the topic. It reminded me of a similar conversation I had with my brother who didn't like high level because the power of high level characters was "game breaking". When you have...
  5. G

    Pre-Rolling Certain Opposed Checks

    I've done something similar in my campaign, but it was a pretty specific incident. Basically, if you know that simply rolling the checks will alert them to something going on, and should it succeed it is imperative they not know something is up, then I'll have them make some rolls. In the...
  6. G

    2d10 for Skill Checks

    I agree with you 100% on this. And while your solution is a neat and simple one, my brain has been wired into D20 for so long, it almost hurts to accept a change, even a sensible one. But yea, I also found that the limited skill bonuses, especially at low levels, really makes even a decently...
  7. G

    Perception should be an intelligence proficiency

    Probably a lot like pounding a round peg into a square hole :)
  8. G

    Perception should be an intelligence proficiency

    I think you should get a bonus to skills based on your INT score, but they can only be used for INT based skills. 16 INT? Great, you can pick up History, Religion, Arcana as a bonus. You're big brain does not let you get acrobatics though. Or perhaps for every bonus of INT you can spend...
  9. G

    Perception should be an intelligence proficiency

    While I agree that is how the rules operate, the fact is no one sitting around the table actually has many of the skills being used by the characters, or even really any relevant experience with them. Therefore it's hard to actually describe how things would appear or work. When you make a...
  10. G

    Perception should be an intelligence proficiency

    The way I've interpreted it in my game is that perception allows you do notice things that you are looking for, while Investigation allows you to notice patterns and things you weren't specifically looking for and make the connections. Sure, you might see something that is right in front of...
  11. G

    D&D 5E Demiplane walls

    In the description of the spell it says: "Each time you cast this spell, you can create a new demiplane, or have the shadowy door connect to a demiplane you created with a previous casting of this spell.", so seems that you can totally cast one demiplane inside another. EDIT TO ADD - Ok, just...
  12. G

    A little help with Strength checks please

    The size difference between a "large" sumo wrestler and a "small" one is not the same as the size difference between a size M and size L creature. They are going to be around 300lbs plus or minus 100 or so. Think the difference between a horse and a human, 200lbs vs 1000lbs+. Even the...
  13. G

    A little help with Strength checks please

    But this is a STR check. Opposed. Agility can be used to escape a grapple or dodge, but in a STR v STR matchup agility will not play a factor. Even the strongest human(STR 20) is going to lose a tug of war contest to the average draft horse(STR 18) every single time and by a mile. I think...
  14. G

    D&D 5E Demiplane walls

    I actually think Demiplane is one of the neatest spells there is. My take on the spell is that the plane created is permanent, it is merely the door to it exists for only an hour at a time when the spell is cast. It's like your very own trans dimensional safe deposit box, and only you have...
  15. G

    Question about clerics

    There isn't much about fighters that make them any more tanky than clerics really. You wear plate, you have a shield, boom, you're a tank. You average 1 more hp/level but that is likely offset by your healing. As for an extra attk per round at 5, that is pretty nice, but that's more about...