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Recent content by heroux

  1. H

    [Saturday PM] FOURTHCORE: Revenge of the Iron Lich (D&D 4e/FOURTHCORE) *FULL/STANDBY*

    bard I am interesting in playing a bard. But as a Kalashtar and not a Tiefling. Only played a bard for 3 levels, but really liked it.
  2. H

    [Saturday PM] FOURTHCORE: Revenge of the Iron Lich (D&D 4e/FOURTHCORE) *FULL/STANDBY*

    can you sign me up for a slot? i have no idea how to sign up. thanks.
  3. H

    [Saturday AM] Death in the Meat-Tro! (Gamma World 4e) **FULL: Accepting Alts **

    can you sign me up for an alt slot? i have no idea how to sign up. thanks.