• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by HoolMarshes Dweller

  1. H

    Why do Halflings get damage bonuses?

    I always found it funny that "balance" is now tossed around so much that we have to have every "build" meet or nearly meet this goal. But hey, I'd just make it against certain types of opponents.
  2. H

    D&D 5E Multiclass in 5E

    1E/2E style.
  3. H

    D&D 5E A Modest Proposal to Unify the Fanbase without D&D Next

    Why is asking for reprints of (essentially) 1e/2e a bad idea? That's all I have played all these years. I playtested 5e and liked the direction it was heading. Much like you I find 3.x / 4 not to my tastes for the same reasons you implied. I may or may not switch to 5e, but at the very least...
  4. H

    D&D 5E A Modest Proposal to Unify the Fanbase without D&D Next

    I'm looking forward to 5e after having been gone for a few editions. Most importantly, I wish WotC would reprint everything.
  5. H

    Five-Minute Workday Article

    To be honest, yes, I do think a fair number of them are nothing more than someone glomming onto another's experience. As I mentioned, who actually just sits there and goes "well Ragnar, guess you're out of spells, let's go watch a movie"? There's no problem with not having more to it, but then...
  6. H

    Five-Minute Workday Article

    The 5-minute workday is nothing more than a talking point that people like to throw around. It's the DM's responsibility to create/run/oversee/ad hoc the adventure. How many people actually have this happen on a regular basis? Especially if they're a 3.x player or 4e player? They have nothing...
  7. H

    D&D 2E What was wrong with 2e?

    I love 2e, and I'm a grognard through and through. When it came out, I was aghast at some of the changes and really happy with others. I just incorporated this into my 1e campaign. Overall, I love 2e where it was good and just incorporated that into my 1e campaigns. I still use a mix of both...
  8. H

    Convincing 4th Edition players to consider 5th Edition

    i wasn't looking to start an edition war nor am i looking to sing cumbayah with everyone. I'm open to people having differing opinions on things. It's how we state those things. I have an opinion, I'm not flaming anyone and I stated it. You're welcome to disagree. 5e is so far great, I'm...
  9. H

    D&D 5E Hope for Nerath? (On D&D Next Campaign Settings and a Plea to WotC)

    I agree Haakon, Greyhawk, if it is to be used should not be taken to the parts shop but grab it in its entirety (again, pre-, post- or during the Wars could work) and go from there. Even a "reboot" (ug, that term makes me wince) that is nothing more than a reprint of World of Greyhawk with...
  10. H

    Convincing 4th Edition players to consider 5th Edition

    We certainly can disagree and discuss preferences politely, so why are you flaming away about dying in fires, burning in acid, etc. over what is essentially someone's opinion? I wholeheartedly agree that 4e is for tactical miniature play, and yes, there can be role-playing involved as well. I...
  11. H

    D&D 5E Hope for Nerath? (On D&D Next Campaign Settings and a Plea to WotC)

    Uniting the community - if that's one of the goals to one degree or another - is yet another great reason to use Greyhawk. Everyone, regardless of which edition they support or play the most knows of, has played in or in some way interacted with Greyhawk over the years. There are whole websites...
  12. H

    D&D 5E Hope for Nerath? (On D&D Next Campaign Settings and a Plea to WotC)

    I'm going to throw Greyhawk into the mix. It's the granddaddy of them all, has great source material without having been detailed to death a la FR (although FR definitely would be my 2nd choice), the timeline there ended during a war but you could easily rewind it a bit and ignore the war. It's...
  13. H

    Convincing 4th Edition players to consider 5th Edition

    Very well said. I think your explanation of balance in terms of pre-3.x editions is spot on.