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Recent content by Hughjefender

  1. H

    Whats the point of monkey grip?

    Sorry, I must've meant to say Final Fantasy .
  2. H

    Whats the point of monkey grip?

    the idea is a bit trite and overdone in all matters of anime shows. It gets old real fast.
  3. H

    Epic Spell Help: "Baleful Lifebind"

    I'm frankly not sure you know what the death of the author truly means as a concept. It refers mainly to literary criticism and how the audience should not take the author's intentions and beliefs into account when critiquing their work. It seems like you're using it to say that authors can...
  4. H

    D&D 3E/3.5 (D&D 3.5) Is Monkey's grip worth it?

    True. Very true. You can do similar damage with a normal sized sword. Now if it was an orc, than maybe it would work.
  5. H

    Epic Spell Help: "Baleful Lifebind"

    Actually Lucas has stated the EU and his ideas are more or less at odds with each other. While I don't apporve of the quality of the prequels, they more or less fit in, in terms of continuity with the originals. The lore itself has actually developed vastly since the prequel trilogy. We have new...
  6. H

    Epic Spell Help: "Baleful Lifebind"

    Apart from Lucas ruining the prequels, how did he retcon stuff?
  7. H

    Star Wars RPG ideas

    thanks for all the great feedback! It helps a lot but I prefer to keep things in canon. I know that sounds really anal, but I like the idea of my characters not doing galaxy changing events but rather accomplishing some small scale missions. Very episodic like. The fan-fic ideas especially...
  8. H

    Epic Spell Help: "Baleful Lifebind"

    Rocks fall everybody dies. Man, if you could time alter that... Though the DM might have words about that. Technically speaking, isn't altering time in itself a retcon in terms of the continuity of the story? Like when Marty accidentally left the Almanac in the future and Biff took it to the...
  9. H

    Epic Spell Help: "Baleful Lifebind"

    why do you hate retcon? plus, how do you retcon a game? Unless you use the same characters?
  10. H

    Epic Spell Help: "Baleful Lifebind"

    yeah, sorry about that. I'm a bit new to RPGs. I understand that some campaigns are more lulz-oriented, I've just never seen nor played them. The few campaigns I have played were one 4th edition D&D game and a few D20 Moderns. I prefer the D20 Modern setting personally, but that's just my...
  11. H

    Epic Spell Help: "Baleful Lifebind"

    I will say that aaron's wizard seems a bit overpowered if his intellect is so high he can use any spell.
  12. H

    Star Wars RPG ideas

    I'd like to use a force-sensitive but without lightsabers too. So Scum and Villainy might work but Rebellion sounds good too. Any thoughts on The Force Unleashed campaign?
  13. H

    Epic Spell Help: "Baleful Lifebind"

    Do the gnomes explode in a colorfully violent way?
  14. H

    Star Wars RPG ideas

    I was just wondering what are some good campaign ideas for a Star Wars game. I've got a Scum and Villainy set already, but I'm curious about other options.