Recent content by idlemichael

  1. idlemichael

    The Chaos and Beauty in Castles of Burgundy - Discover It For Yourself!

    I'll be writing about Bora Bora a little way down the line, I'm still feeling my way through all of the strategies - but you're right, there is a LOT of stuff in there.
  2. idlemichael

    The Chaos and Beauty in Castles of Burgundy - Discover It For Yourself!

    As we don our women's slacks and prepare for another night around the Game Board, we look at Castles of Burgundy by the current golden child of board game design - Stefan Feld. Hexagonal tiles, rolling dice and building in the Medieval French countryside. Who could ask for more? With Essen...
  3. idlemichael

    Science Fiction Double Feature - Dark Dealings in Nefarious!

    Ahh, sci-fi! The place where imagination runs free and the dreams of film-makers and authors run riot, creating brilliant and beautiful worlds. Of course, we all know that the best sci-fi flicks are the dumbest ones where plans go awry at the flick of a switch. In Nefarious, you get to play one...
  4. idlemichael

    Relax Your Mind and Float Downstream... A Review of Dixit from Libellud!

    I've been looking back through my list of reviews that I've done here on EN World, and I realise that I have made a terrible mistake. Considering the fact that this is a site packed out with thousands of users who love to create stories, amongst all of those articles I've written, there is no...
  5. idlemichael

    A hungry Panda is a force to be reckoned with... Check out Takenoko!

    That's taken from the collectors edition - the two d6 are in there to show the size of the components, which are HUGE!
  6. idlemichael

    A hungry Panda is a force to be reckoned with... Check out Takenoko!

    Pandas and Gardeners and Bamboo... oh my! When the Emperor of Japan is given the gift of a rare animal and no-one really knows how to feed it, things can't be great. Perhaps by working together you can create a beautiful garden and manage to feed the belligerent brute? Ladies and gentlemen, get...
  7. idlemichael

    Indiana Jones Ain't Got Nothin' On Me - Escape: The Curse of The Temple!

    With a temple crumbling all around you and very tempting piles of treasure almost everywhere you look, risk and reward can often be a tricky pair to balance. And in Escape - The Curse of the Temple, it's even more difficult... because you're going to have to rely on your friends as much as your...
  8. idlemichael

    The Most Polite and Angriest Game I Own - No Thanks!

    The cliche goes that size isn't everything, and that's especially true in games. Sometimes the tiniest boxes contain the biggest challenges, and in No Thanks! you'll be left wondering precisely why you've got all those big games on your shelves when there's so much thought and rage in this...
  9. idlemichael

    Insane in the Brain - A Look at Neuroshima Hex!

    In a far flung future where everything has gone really quite badly, the world is very different to what we know today. Governments have collapsed, replaced by warring factions looking to control what little there is left. Neuroshima Hex is far from a happy place... it's a good game though...
  10. idlemichael

    Flicking Marvellous - The Glorious World of Cube Quest

    Not all wargames require fastidious checking of rulebooks, thousands of intricately painted miniatures and your own personal tape measure. Some just need some dice and a strong flicking finger... The annual UK Games Expo in Birmingham always turns up a few hidden gems, and I recall a couple...
  11. idlemichael

    It's Great To Be The King!

    The classic monster movie is reborn with Pacific Rim, and while we patiently wait for someone to create a decent game based around the licence, why not get involved with a much more comedy based affair filled with dice rolls and devastating overpowered attacks? King of Tokyo is here and it wants...
  12. idlemichael

    Qwixx - Can this pocket-sized game deliver big-box entertainment?

    Award-nominated games often bring to mind beautiful production, deep gameplay and incredible experiences. This year's Spiel des Jahres bucked that idea in style, especially when they chose to shortlist Qwixx... Having already taken a look at the other two nominees for this year's Spiel des...
  13. idlemichael

    Blood Bowl Team Manager Freshens Up The Franchise

    Blood Bowl is filled with a grand history but seems to sadly have been cast aside by Games Workshop; happily Team Manager breathes new life into the universe. I played Blood Bowl a hell of a lot when I was younger. That huge third edition box, the one with the three-part grey polystyrene pitch...
  14. idlemichael

    Tier auf Tier - the best Kids Game Ever?

    It is a truth universally accepted that most kids games are utterly awful, but could Tier auf Tier bridge the gap and appeal to grown-ups as well as children? Short answer? Yes. It's true - the stuff that we all played when we were younger (and is generally still around now) was really pretty...
  15. idlemichael

    Is Elder Sign a better package than Arkham Horror?

    Find Arkham Horror a terrifying, impenetrable behemoth? Fancy getting some Lovecraftian action without devoting an entire day to sitting around an immense board? Why not try a bit of Elder Sign - dice rolls and doom coming together in perfect gaming harmony! I will happily be the first to...