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Recent content by iLoVeKobolds

  1. iLoVeKobolds

    Worms worms everywhere! HELP!

    Thanks for the suggestions. I forgot to mention that for the sake of simplicity I left the campaign in Greyhawk, but I like the idea of playing in Hyboria. I played in Shadows of Zamboula with my hubby as DM. Boy, that was a blast!
  2. iLoVeKobolds

    Worms worms everywhere! HELP!

    *WARNING* Contains Spoilers! I started running AoW ages ago (no pun intended), however after an extremely long and frustrating break, my husband and I have now taken the campaign up again. He is playing a paladin of Heironeous, Edric Grimbold. The party actually consists of 4 members, but...
  3. iLoVeKobolds

    [d20 Modern/Past] Of Swashbucklers, Sorcerers, and Sailors

    Thank you, husband, for speaking for me. :p That sounds good. I would actually like to play someone of Arabian descent. PC's been sold into slavery or something of the like. Let me know if that would fly. Also, I don't have d20 past either. So if you got the hook up, I'd appreciate it. :)
  4. iLoVeKobolds

    [d20 Modern/Past] Of Swashbucklers, Sorcerers, and Sailors

    Sounds like fun. Count me in. Not sure what I want to play yet, but I have some ideas swimming around in my noggin. :)
  5. iLoVeKobolds

    AoW SPOILER! The story of the not-so-wise paladin...

    The paladin in my AoW campaign informed one of the NPCs that he intends to confront Balabar Smenk. His plan is to threaten to uncover his corrupt acts and provoke him to attack him (the paladin) personally. I'm looking for ideas on how to handle this encounter when (not if) it takes place...
  6. iLoVeKobolds

    ...oh no you didn't...

    I'm playing AoW now with two players r/ping two characters each. Player A is an angler. He's always looking for an easy way out. He's an apprentice to the wizard Allustan and thinks that since he is such, he should receive help with no charge. They found a couple of wands and wanted to get...
  7. iLoVeKobolds

    How do you like to get XP?

    This is definitely the way I prefer to earn xp. I like getting into the character and developing a good story. Don't get me wrong though, a good slashfest is always an option. (see quote below) :]
  8. iLoVeKobolds

    Age of Worms - Deadly

    Funny thing really... My poor PCs choose to go down the blue lantern tunnel first. *tisk tisk* They suspected something amiss, so they tied themselves together. They failed to find the pressure plate before they set off the wind tunnel. Then my Paladin had the bright idea to hook his crowbar...
  9. iLoVeKobolds

    Oots #225

    OOTS is usually laugh out loud funny, but I just haven't felt that way in a few strips. Although, Belkar and his lawyer were rather humorous. :p
  10. iLoVeKobolds

    Age of Worms - Deadly

    Whoa! I'm getting ready to run AoW with a small party. Sounds pretty scary. Did you happen to tone down any of the encounters?
  11. iLoVeKobolds

    Ideas for Age of Worms

    Thanks Erik, will do. ;)
  12. iLoVeKobolds

    Ideas for Age of Worms

    I've noticed that about the Whispering Cairn, which is actually one thing I like about it...not just a mindless dungeon crawl. I'm sure my players would appreciate starting at 2nd lev. I think I'll do that. :) Thanks
  13. iLoVeKobolds

    Ideas for Age of Worms

    Thanks so much. I'm considering setting it in Greyhawk. I don't want to go too overboard considering this is my first campaign.
  14. iLoVeKobolds

    Ideas for Age of Worms

    Hey Everyone! I've been gaming for about 6 years now and I'm starting to get the DM itch. So I'm going to start with the first adventure in the Age of Worms adventure path. I've read up on Diamond Lake and I've come up with a few ideas, but I would love to have some advice from a few (or...
  15. iLoVeKobolds

    Beauty and the Beast: The adventures of Hulgor and Gwennid! Updated 7/11!

    Very well...*ahem* I am Veronica, the lucky wife of Munin (Sam) aka Gwennid the Thief/Rogue/Scout and all around troublemaker. Regardless of what any of you read on this SH, you should know that I am sweet, benevolent and kind. I never talk back and I always watch out for the safety of...