• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by ioun_stone

  1. ioun_stone

    A business question

    Who are Frank and K?
  2. ioun_stone

    A business question

    Thanks to everyone who's responded so far. I'm thinking about getting into the e-publishing game, and I'm wanting to produce good quality, useful material without a whole lot of extraneous art/fluff/etc. "BIG crunch, little fluff." is the motto here. Obviously content matters a lot. The...
  3. ioun_stone

    A business question

    How much would you be willing to pay for a pdf only book of quality d20 material? Magic items, spells, monsters, adventures, etc. Each book being about 32 pages, little to no art, and cahock full of usable, quality stuff. Kind of a "no frills" game product. Would you be interested, and...
  4. ioun_stone

    What Edition of D&D was your First (with fixed Poll)

    I had to choose the 1st ed option, because I'm not sure what the version I started with would be called. It was a boxed set, after the original booklets but just before the 1st ed. PHB came out. The classes then were cleric, fighting man, thief and magic-user. It was for 1st to 3rd level...
  5. ioun_stone

    When did you give up on Greyhawk?

    After my first two years or so of gaming, I turned to thinking about setting, and that's when I discovered the '83 boxed set. I bought it and was hooked! I've never given up on Oerth, although for the past couple of years we've been on Eberron (I haven't DMed in nearly three years, the last...
  6. ioun_stone

    Do You Have A Campaign Website? Do You Use It?

    BTW, how does one (who isn't very web savvy) go about starting a wiki? Right now, when we want to tweak something we've created, we have to u/load a file and then delete the old one (unless I'm missing something). I figure a wiki would be easier for everyone to read amd edit. Thanks. Not...
  7. ioun_stone

    Do You Have A Campaign Website? Do You Use It?

    My group has a google group, and we used to just use it to communicate little things, like "Who wants what for snacks?", "Sorry, I can't make it tonight. :(", or "This is something cool/funny/interesting I found online: (webaddy.blah)". Lately, however, the three DMs have decided to use it to...
  8. ioun_stone

    *POLL* Do You Feel That Greyhawk is a Dead Campaign Officially?

    Greyhawk is dead; long live Greyhawk!
  9. ioun_stone

    Do you think core rule books shrinkage is a good thing ?

    Well, truly its always been that all one REALLY needs to play is a PHB, DMG and MM. In any edition. The various other books put out in every edition have always been intended to be optional. Its geeks like me that just have to have every book that comes out. :lol: 4E will change some...
  10. ioun_stone

    Vecna: demigod, god, or lich?

    the head of Vecna Then there's always the story of the Head of Vecna, in which a group of adventurers fabricated a tale of this "artifact", and created a false item of a dessicated head missing an eye. A rival group (the target of the first group's elaborate lie) went in search of this fabled...
  11. ioun_stone

    Common sense

    I follow my common sense and sense of story, as well as fairness. However, Ihave that rules lawyer who just can't help but argue every minor rules point...
  12. ioun_stone

    What is the ideal session length

    Playing time, good times... Back in the day, it used to be a module on the weekend, a good 12-24 hours of mayhem over two or three days. But time wears on, and with responsibilities I'm down to 5-ish hours once a week, although once a month I go to a local gaming store and play/paint for about...
  13. ioun_stone

    Tyranids in d20 Modern

    'Nids nightmares Long ago I played in a campaign where the DM had the aliens out of the movies (Alien, Aliens, etc.) show up. There were several variants, and they were all nasty. I agree that the kythons from the Book of Vile Darkness are a good choice for using as d20 'nids... or for those...