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Recent content by ironvyper

  1. I

    Forked Thread: Rate WotC as a company: 4e Complete?

    Humanoids are a large group of monsters, and are especially common at lower levels. Climb works fine, fly doesnt make your speed that fast, and i forgot the several beasties that have a jump ability. You cut out the part about the supernatural, spell-like and extraordinary abilities...
  2. I

    Forked Thread: Rate WotC as a company: 4e Complete?

    I think 3/4 is a just a bit of an exageration dont you? Considering we were talking about flight in a dungeon any creature in the book with hands to use missle weapons, a climp speed to just run up the walls or ceilings and get to the wizard anyway, a breath weapon the reach him or any sort of...
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    Forked Thread: Rate WotC as a company: 4e Complete?

    Lava tubes are not common, or the default dungeon setting. However a quick search revealed that few have a cross section larger then 10 meters. Which is by no means outside of missile for any weapon in the book. So fly still isnt encounter breaking if the enemies you built had half a brain and...
  4. I

    Forked Thread: Rate WotC as a company: 4e Complete?

    wow, in tennesee no less. where you have several cave complexes within easy drive. I would have thought you might have done some research. Natural caves are usually very small and round. Only big enough for the water that formed them to have forced a hole through enough weaker rock to make way...
  5. I

    Forked Thread: Rate WotC as a company: 4e Complete?

    Well you did such a crappy job saying what you meant that someone had to try and clear it up. But how about this, why dont you explain the actual point behind your rambling diatribe about players with good powers, monsters that can counter those powers and your absolute refusal to even...
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    Forked Thread: Rate WotC as a company: 4e Complete?

    Its not the monster manuals job to give a DM world advice or tactical advice or to assume the DM is too stupid to design a decent encounter. Its the MMs job to provide examples of possibilities for the PCs to face in combat. Many campaign worlds have many different levels of default magic and...
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    Forked Thread: Rate WotC as a company: 4e Complete?

    I'm probably not the only one wondering this... but it sounds like your complaining that the spell is too powerful against ground based, too dumb to use the terrain to thier advantage or carry missile weapons or have thier own spellcasters enemies. While at the same time insisting that those...
  8. I

    New Faces (Forked: Its the terminology that kills me...)

    Actually according to a huge fan site that tracks wow numbers http://www.warcraftrealms.com/temp/activity-2008-06.htm They peaked at just over 900,000 active premium users, and that was months ago. Not to mention according to june numbers they are in a 4 month long membership decline...
  9. I

    Mamacat's helpful hints for gaming with couples with or without kids

    I've got a 5 year old and a 1 year old. We handle it by putting the kids to bed at 9 and playing till 1 or 2 am. Sure we're all a little tired the next day but we get a good 4 or 5 hours of uninterrupted time. We usually start about 8 though because i've found the first hour is mainly screwing...
  10. I

    New Faces (Forked: Its the terminology that kills me...)

    Not looking to sneer but you dont need a big industry to have new stuff. As it theres more new stuff coming out then anyone could possibly buy and read it all so if the industry shrank a little or even alot it wouldnt get rid of your new stuff. Hell you dont need an industry at all for new...
  11. I

    New Faces (Forked: Its the terminology that kills me...)

    If for some reason i chose to use that term then yes it would. I wouldnt say that though, i would say something like "well not all of us want to have an amatuer drama club everyweek because we have real jobs or any job at all to be frank and sometimes we just want to relax with something simple...
  12. I

    New Faces (Forked: Its the terminology that kills me...)

    Exactly, just like the people who call a certain politician elitist because they went to a better school, started a better business, and know better then them how to run something. Its basically saying "oh your better then me so i dont like you".
  13. I

    New Faces (Forked: Its the terminology that kills me...)

    Only if u call yourself elite. If someone else calls you elite it speaks to an inherent lack of confidence in thier character and beliefs, its a tacit admission of the "elitists" superiority along with an overriding theme that they should be guilty for knowing they are better then you, when they...
  14. I

    Forked Thread: Its the terminology that kills me...

    I first started running games people really wanted to keep coming back to when i realized i could run my game with my pace and my goals and stories and not some designers game. At the time this was Gygax who I didnt agree with (way too many stupid traps and silly tripe). But the lesson was that...
  15. I

    Forked Thread: Its the terminology that kills me...

    I always viewed advice on actually running a game to be similar to reading a book on how to write a good book. If you need to read how to do it, your never going to be good at it. Because its in the soul and heart to create and and adapt, not in a book. Some people are built to be storytellers...