Recent content by irrg

  1. irrg

    Community created 5e clone?

    So, my first thought was jokingly saying "democracy is overrated", but… Isn't anyone else concerned that a voting based system will possibly be awful? I think a project like this would need a strong, opinionated leader with game design chops instead of letting the popular vote carry system...
  2. irrg

    WotC Announces OGL 1.1 -- Revised Terms, Royalties, and Annual Revenue Reporting

    There is no obligation for WotC to use semantic versioning here, but, a full rewrite would, if they followed semver principles from software here, justifiably be called 2.0 instead of 1.1.
  3. irrg

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    What about Todhunter? Selby?
  4. irrg

    D&D General Alleged disgruntled NuTSR insider spills the beans.

    With the Chad account gone, did anyone get a backup? I kinda want to know what the big deal was.
  5. irrg

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    Started looking at my Gary Con wishlist and noticed "Intellectual Property Seminar Level Two: Trademarks" on the schedule. Hoping LaNasa will take some time away from TSR Con to brush up on the subject!
  6. irrg

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    I dunno, “NotTSR” would be more truthful than that.
  7. irrg

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    (I'm also assuming that Ernie didn't write any of this, and they just add 'with Ernest Gary Gygax, Jr' to everything now. Brought to you by Carl's Jr.)
  8. irrg

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    This could be a coincidence…? Knowing them, though, probably not. Also: I am not versed in spotting dogwhistling.
  9. irrg

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    Was reading a few articles about the cryptobruhs that think they own the rights to Jorodowsky's Dune because they spent 100x the auction estimate on a copy from a very small run of books. After shaking my head at how little they seem to understand about copyright, I find myself wondering if...
  10. irrg

    TSR TSR3.5 Launches IndieGogo Campaign to "Stop" WotC

    After I found this thread, I decided to go make a donation to the WotC fund by going to the LFGS and buying a copy of Strixhaven. It's…really hard to root for anyone but the faceless corporation in this kind of a ridiculous situation.
  11. irrg

    Check Out The Cover of the Upcoming Doctor Who: Second Edition RPG!

    Maybe it’s because we only play DW at cons but I’ve never had issues with any of the rules needing any help. It’s a very simple system and aside from con games being more flush with…whatever they call bennies in Vortex…I’m curious what they’d bring to the table. (Also played a con game of...
  12. irrg

    TSR Just when you thought it was all over.... now there’s a fourth TSR!

    Does anyone know if "Michael" is in the TSR 3.5 fork of TSR 3 or the Wonderflailed branch? I'm trying to make sense of this comedy of errors and it only makes sense when he's with TSR 3.5. Except his employer changed to Wonderfilled on LinkedIn. My personal attempt to make sense of this is that...
  13. irrg

    Exploring the rainy streets of Cyberpunk Manchester in Jeff Noon's Vurt: The Tabletop Roleplaying Ga

    I can speak to this a little if Lee doesn't mind… previously I've played The Strange, Numenera and for the past two years had the pleasure of being in two of Ravendesk's Gen Con sessions. The first year, it was just me and my wife and this past August we dragged a whole group into the Saturday...
  14. irrg

    WotC's 2017 Convention Schedule Includes New Hascon, No GenCon

    Right. And things like Pax need it more, since it's exposing a new crowd to tabletop RPGs as a whole. Seeing Gary Con and Gamehole on the list, though, makes me think that a) I need to check them out as they're closer to my location than Gen Con by far, and b) there's got to be some kind of...
  15. irrg

    WotC's 2017 Convention Schedule Includes New Hascon, No GenCon

    Gen Con being D&D to anyone is funny to me, because as someone who's only been going for a few years… I can play D&D with my local group, and if I didn't have that group I could probably find another. Gen Con is every other game that I'm interested in for me. I go there to threathen to blow...