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Recent content by IstraRaugir

  1. IstraRaugir

    Making combat deadlier.

    It all depends on what you mean with 'deadlier'. Either you want the PCs to actually die a lot; which isn't hard to do with all the tools you have at your disposal. Just lower HP, up the damage, save-or-die, etc. Or, like others have suggested, you want to make combat feel deadlier; which is a...
  2. IstraRaugir

    What setting would you like to see as RPG?

    One thing I would really like to see is an RPG based on Garth Nix's Old Kingdom series. For those who haven't heard of/read the books: Imagine a very British nation in the early 20th century (Ancelstierre) that borders on a high magic fantasy kingdom (Old Kingdom) and the two are seperated by a...
  3. IstraRaugir

    A novel approach to returning from the dead

    In my games coming back from the dead is unusual but not unheard of and usually requires a challenge that the PC(s) must fulfill. ie.: a visionquest inside the deceased's mind, challenging death to a game of chess, starting a bet with an evil deity or simply being awesome enough that a deity...
  4. IstraRaugir

    Looking for DM table

    Recently I came across this table from slyflourish http://slyflourish.com/master_dm_sheet.pdf. While this table is wonderful in its own way it is still keyed to 4e. So I was wondering if anyone here knows or has a similar table for 3.x. Or if anyone has ideas to convert it (I'm really horrible...
  5. IstraRaugir

    Unique Magic Item Properties/Quirks

    The trick to creating magic items like this is to completely and utterly break your players' expectations (it helps to keep the mechanics of the item to yourself). Some personal examples are: an item that attracts a species of tiny creatures, an rusted dagger that continually drips blood, a...
  6. IstraRaugir

    Item pricing and limitations

    From an in-game perspective the item would actually take more effort/material to make. After all: a restriction is something that you add to the item not substract from it. So in my opinion if you craft something with a class/race restriction you pay full price for crafting it. When you sell it...
  7. IstraRaugir

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.N – Codex Gigas: Nonsi's complete 3.5 Revision (Final, PEACH not needed)

    So I've been leafing through this codex (net even close to reading it all) but while I'm seeing great improvements left and right I do have a problem with some minor areas. The first of these is with your 'new' senses: the DCs for Smell are ridiculously high (dropping them all by 10 points would...
  8. IstraRaugir

    Clever dungeon architecture

    Personally, I've always been a fan of dungeons that change as time goes on. This can be the standard magical 'suddenly the door leads somewhere else' or the more mundane 'you're in a sea-cave, keep an eye on the tide' sort of site. Another thing I like is interactive environment 'bass-relief and...
  9. IstraRaugir

    Anitomical Damage?

    I've been working on my own homebrew 3.x injury system for a while and it took a different approach. Simply put a few fairly rare damage events call for a roll on the injury table: going to 50% HP, 0 HP and when hit by a critical hit or sneak attack (this removes any tedious tracking of limb...
  10. IstraRaugir

    So much flavor, oh my!

    Unique spells for my custom Songblade class (only first level though). I tried to make these stick out without becoming overpowered but some are rather obviously inspired by standard 3.5 spells. Firesnap [Zephyr, Evocation, Fire] Level: Sbl 0 Component: V, S Casting Time: Special Range: Touch...
  11. IstraRaugir

    Fluff Changes You've Made to PC Races

    In my campaign elves are the most heavily augmented race. In ancient times they were worshiped as gods by the tribes of early humans among others. After all they were practically immortal (lifespans of half a millennia were commonplace) and much more advanced in both technology and magic. Of...
  12. IstraRaugir

    So much flavor, oh my!

    Great responses so far guys. I've been working on something new myself (with a big nod to the Clayr of Garth Nix's Old Kingdom novels and Castle Heterodyne from Studio Foglio's Girl Genius). Greyward In the far northwest corner of the kingdom built into and onto the Gray Cliffs lays the...
  13. IstraRaugir

    Cards as randomizers?

    While the OP and responses have mostly been focusing on cards replacing dice. I'd like to point out that card randomizers can be usefull and fun if used in other ways as well. One of the better known examples is the critcal hit/fumble deck. Simply put when something interesting happens you pull...
  14. IstraRaugir

    So much flavor, oh my!

    Hey guys, It's been done before and I'll do it again (mostly because the old threads are a mile long and have been dead for years). This here thread is to dump all your crazy campaign ideas, custom classes, odd magic items and other miscellaneous junk. It can be fully laid out or just the barest...
  15. IstraRaugir

    Adding personal flavour to spells

    I have to agree with most reactions here, but I take things one step further: Custom spell flavor should be the norm not the exception. All spells (except perhaps those blindly copied from scrolls/spellbooks) would logically have their own quirks depending on the mindset of the caster. The...